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Futility of Price Controls

COMMENT FROM HUNGARY: Dear Marty, You were correct again. Price controls do not work in the long run. The Hungarian government introduced a price cap on gasoline and diesel a few months ago, but a few hours ago this evening they had to let it go(they “tried everything in their power to help but the […]

$80 Trillion Derivatives Market

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has warned in its latest quarterly report that there is $80 trillion dollar in off-balance sheet dollar debt in the form of FX swaps. This has involved pension funds and other ‘non-bank’ financial firms. What they do not explain is that each “debt” has a counterparty that has an […]

Europe’s Leadership – Pure Insanity

Europe is trying to impose a cap on Russian oil at $60 a barrel. Russian authorities rejected a price cap and threatened to stop supplying the nations that endorsed it. Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, the United States and the 27-nation European Union agreed to cap what they would pay for Russian oil at $60-per-barrel. The […]

Right v Wrong

QUESTION: Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong. You always say it is not your opinion. Is there some secret to how you do this? Nobody else seems to even compare. Or is it all just the computer? FK ANSWER: We all are human and […]

Ukraine Supporters & Denial of History

UN Agreement Ukraine 1994 I apologize, the proposal began in 1991 for Russia to join NATO. But the final agreement with respect to Ukraine’s nukes was not in Belgrade but in Budapest. History has been rewritten to support the war against Russia for climate change. I have never seen any account of history that reports […]

The West MUST Abandon Ukraine & Force Peace

Zelensky is trying to put pressure on Poland to declare it was a Russian Missile because Ukraine is losing the war despite all the fake news he has been promoting. The Polish deputy foreign minister, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, said in an interview with Radio 24 that “there has been great pressure” and stressed that, if it […]

UN & ICC Now Guarantee World War III is the Only Solution

I previously reported that my sources inside the ICC would move to charge Putin with war crimes. No head of state has EVER been charged for the actions of those on the battlefield. Russia is not a member of the ICC, and neither is the United States for that matter. This has merely guaranteed that […]

FTX & Crypto-Implosion

  The collapse of the FTX Exchange is pretty straightforward insofar as this is the same lesson that constantly repeats in finance time and time again. Basically, FTX lent US$10bn of client funds to their trading arm Alameda, which used it for leveraged their own crypto speculation because the crypto market has been collapsing. Typically, […]

The Liquidity Crisis

The Liquidity Crisis
Over the past conferences, we have warned that we will be moving into a liquidity
crisis, for the amount of capital invested in global bonds often reaches 10:1 relative to
equities. While people constantly point to the dollar and it just has to collapse, they
remain obvious to the international crisis at hand. Global debt has reached $226 trillion,
with federal sovereign debt coming in at about $60 trillion. The US Treasury market is
about $24 trillion. The crisis in the bond market in the UK is just the tip of the iceberg.
With the rise of uncertainly and our insane leaders pushing for World War III to destroy
Russia for Climate Change since 50% of the GDP is energy production, the smart
money is starting to run away from the long-term, and in the process, we will see as a
byproduct of this Liquidity Crisis, rising volatility and a very dark financial future for the
bond markets

Delete PayPal

There are growing calls from users to delete the payment app PayPal. Two weeks ago, the company came under fire for hiding a clause in its terms and conditions that permits the company to fine users $2,500 for misinformation. This is what the original term consisted of: You may not use the PayPal service for […]