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Did Aborigines Create Global Warming In Australia? Hello, Coming Ice Age?

By cross-referencing tree-ring data and coral core samples, a team of researchers have revealed that Australia suffered the worst drought in history before the whites settled there from Britain.  There was virtually no rainfall and rivers simply ran dry. Much of the wildlife died and massive bushfires ravaged the landscape, as we see in California these […]

The Business Cycle & Why They Pretend it Cannot be Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have studied you Economic Confidence Model and found it to be extremely accurate in forecasting the business cycle. When I showed it to my professor here at ——— he responded that itis impossible to forecast the business cycle. He would not even engage in a conversation about it. Why are they […]

Markets Cheer a Recession?

The rally in gold and the stock market together is demonstrating that eventually, we will see the alignment as it transforms from Public to Private assets. The most deranged reaction to the Federal Reserve saying they will be “patient” on any further rate moves, is just beyond all reason. But markets are not always rational […]

Will Trump be Defeated by Schultz in 2020? The World Economic Conference May 3-4, 2019 in Rome

Rome - May 3-4, 2019 (Materials Available for Purchase; Video Now Available)
Orlando - October 25-26, 2019 (TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE)

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist. He was a politician. You are 100% correct that people will believe what they want to believe. There is no talking to one of this idiots. When […]

Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier monetary system in 1873 to accommodate trade with China who was on a silver standard rather than gold. The actual timing is 17 intervals if the 8.6-year frequency of the […]

Gann – Astrology – Reality

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Do you have any thoughts on Gann and his methods?   It seems his astrological approach provides an interesting insights into cycles as well and was curious on your thoughts about his approach Thanks BB   ANSWER: None of the models I have created are based upon any astrological approach or movement of the […]

The Difference between 2020 and 2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, My girlfriend brought up a point about your work during coffee this morning. Basically, she’s confused about the two dates you often mention, 2020 and 2032. She wants to know which date (2020, 2032) you expect the markets move into crises mode due to the lack of confidence in government. I tried to […]

Merkel Offering to Pay One-Year’s Living Expenses if Refugees Leave Europe

The latest game in Germany is now Merkel, who offered cash to refugees to return last November, has stepped up her game and offered to pay their living expenses for one year if they return home. Billboards are appearing all over Germany making this latest offer. Believe it or not, more than 20,000 refugees vanish […]

Yellow Vests Destroying Speed Cameras

The Yellow Vest movement is indeed spreading worldwide. In France, they are out destroying speed cameras. Most Americans are familiar only with the red light cameras that cities have been forced to take down for they are unconstitutional. That is why you did not get points for the violation, just penalties. In Europe, the speed […]