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Why Goldman Sachs & Blackstone Are Becoming So Hated in Europe

Goldman Sachs and Blackstone are private equity investors buying up rental property in Madrid. About 13,000 household were told their rents would not increase. Now in a down market, when their renewals come due. they are told their rents will rise sharply or get out. Now a judge will decide who, if anyone, is to blame. […]

Gold v Equities

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong … In the Metals report you mentioned that the further Gold fell, the greater the rally would be thereafter. So don’t the same principles apply to what is currently happening in equities? Support areas are being breached, but don’t a lot of investors watch the same areas so the “heard” mentality […]

Li Opening Shanghai Gold Exchange

  Premier Li Keqiang visited a branch of Bank of China in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Sept 18, ahead of the opening of the international board of the Shanghai Gold Exchange later in the day. Li said the move is a sign that China will continue to open up its finance […]

Is a Long-term Gold Bear Market Possible?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for publishing the Metals report.   I was just wondering what would cause a bear market in gold , no one has really written or talked about what that  would mean.  Would it mean that we finally get to see behind the curtains as they try to turn the “ship” around….. ?   […]

Secret Tapes Expose Goldman Sach’s Special Treatment By Fed? Hearings Demanded

Elizabeth Warren is insisting she wants to hold hearings on Capital Hill regarding secret tapes that reveal allegedly the Fed exempts Goldman Sachs above all other banks. The tapes appear to show an “unwillingness”, as Reuters put it, among some Fed supervisors to both demand specific information from Goldman about a transaction with Banco Santander and […]

Obama Defends Goldman Sachs & Derivatives Demand EU Include them in Free Trade and Cannot Regulate US Banks

Obama is defending Goldman Sachs & of NY Bankers in their bid to include Derivatives in the free trade agreement with Europe and to ensure they cannot be regulated by Europe. Obama insists, at the bank’s request, that to subject US banks to EU regulation will complicate the regulatory landscape unnecessarily. The banks are lobbying hard […]

Gold Stock Report v 2014 International Precious Metals Outlook

QUESTION   Hi there I am interested in the 2014 International Precious Metals Outlook, I would like to ask if the gold stocks will be covered in this report, or will there be a separate, report for the gold stocks? Warm regards N 2014 International Precious Metals Outlook  ANSWER: Now that I have made the decision to go […]

Schiavoni & Cohen (of Goldman Sachs) Demands Source Code of Model

    Alan Cohen and Tancred Schiavoni refused to allow Princeton Economics to continue even when there were people willing to pay all expenses to keep it going. They could not say it was insolvent for there were far more assets than what was claimed to have even been owed that Republic National Bank and […]

Gold Report

  OK – we have received so many emails request an electronic PDF version. We will post tomorrow the gold section which is about 200 pages by itself. We will post the silver next week with Platinum, Palladium, and Copper. Because of worldwide demand for this report, we have issued it in terms of all […]

Will Gold Still Go to $5000?

  Yes – to answer a lot of questions. We still see the future rally in gold reaching the $5,000 level. Keep in mind this requires an asset rally. Those who tout the German Hyperinflation omit the fact that ALL tangible assets rose not only gold and the replacement currency people accepted was backed by […]