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COVID HOAX More & More People Are Coming Out Around the World

COVID Fraud – HCQ uitgewerkt NL  This is a report from the Netherlands on the COVID HOAX. The report is entitled: “THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE HUMAN SOCIETY IS THE DISCLAIMER OF HCQ” There is something seriously wrong. This lockdown has been applied worldwide with far more devastating effects in their world countries. Take Peru […]

Yan & Wuhan Lab – Who Leaked What?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your comment on Dr. Yan and her assertion that this virus was created in the Wuhan Lab. She fled Hong Kong to the United States in April and says she will never be allowed home. What is your take on this story? Thank you. I think you are the […]

The Plot to Create a Terror-State following Hitler’s Playbook

We are in the midst of an all-out psychological war being waged to subjugate the people in the same manner as Adolf Hitler in order to impose this new Great Reset and redesign our world to surrender eating meat and you live off of insects and Bill Gates’ meat alternatives. Gates sold his stock weeks […]

Comment from Sweden

COMMENT: Hi, yesterday it was reported that the monthly official testing for covid of 2500 randomly selected persons in all of Sweden (totally ca 10 million) showed exactly ZERO covid cases in August. During the peak of the outbreak in April such testing showed merely 0,9% and in May 0,3%. These figures are officially presented […]

The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their back pocket. Based upon our computer projections for Panic Cycles starting in November and running into February, yet predominantly in December and February, I do not see the […]

Are the Democrats using the 1932 Play-Book to Overthrow Trump?

The real question nobody seems to be asking, is the 2020 election 1932 all over again? Most people have no idea that there was major civil unrest under the pretense of the Bonus Army just as we now have under Black Lives Matter (BLM) where there were covert groups using the veterans to cover a […]

Ruthless Tyranny by Police in Melbourne

  With more and more evidence coming out that this COVID-19 has been an orchestrated political attempt to prepare to subjugate the people for this Great Reset, the police who are supporting absolute tyranny in Melbourne, they are risking the real world mindless authoritarian power. Even the CDC in the USA admits more people are […]

Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • imposed “extreme lockdown on his […]

German Health Minister Admits Lockdowns Were a Mistake

While in the United States, Twitter, Youtube, CNN, and the rest of the growing Marxist supporters try to claim the CDC didn’t say that less than 10,000 people have died of only COVID-19, the German Health Minister Jens Spahn has come out and publicly admitted that the lockdowns were too harsh and uncalled for.  This […]

Less Than 15,000 People Have Died from COVID with Other Causes under 55

There has been a lot of turmoil about just how many people have died from COVID. The problem stems from the fact that they have other diseases and perhaps COVID has pushed them over the edge. Of those under 55, only 14,047 people have died WITH COVID but with other complications according to the CDC […]