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Chaos of War – The Next Will Be no CNN TV Special

According to reliable sources, the primary reason I have been for backing off of war is because this is by no means going to be some TV CNN special where you watch things be blown up on TV as if it were a surreal movie or video game. First, Russia has intercontinental nuclear capability but […]

Putin – War – & Return of Mercenaries – the Masquerade

Many people have written asking about Putin. The pundits are claiming the Russian Army is weak and could not wage war. Russia is actually looking at expanding its military policy re-targeting Europe and the USA as enemies, and rewriting protocols for justification of a defensive first strike with nuclear weapons. The greatest mistake that the West […]

Scottish Chaos? Should I Stay or Should I go?

It is very interesting to see the numerous emails pouring in from Scotland and England. Even in Scotland there is a strong left-wing socialist factor that has their hand out to whom Cameron is trying to persuade to stay in the UK and they will be rewarded. For the benefit of both England and Scotland, […]

Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion

Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the current equity trend that is not well understood has been the development of private investment by governments. Strangely enough, the development of the euro has totally disrupted the world monetary system for this has created a period of dramatic capital concentration in US dollar debt as the real […]

Retired British Citizens maybe Forced to Return to UK for TAXES

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is moving at full speed worldwide. British Expats who have been renting out their homes in Britain are the latest target to changing taxes. George Osborne wants to stripped of the right to use the personal allowance under a taxation. Britons who are not taxed like Americans on worldwide income could be […]

Beware 2025

QUESTION: Hi Martin, As an avid reader of your blog I have the following question: I follow the rationale for the coming capital concentration (and bubbles) in US stocks and then gold into 2016/7.  Once the bubble for gold bursts where do you see the capital flowing?  Is that when you foresee an even greater […]

The Shift from West to the East

The computer has done a pretty good job on forecasting the markets, but also the rise in the Cycle of War that seems to be exploding absolutely everywhere. All I can do is articulate what it is forecasting for nobody could possibly make such a forecast years in advance based solely upon opinion or even […]

Preparing for War

The propaganda machine is in full force. Everything is used for political purposes regardless of the truth. Within mere days after the crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, US politicians and the government media joined together to spin the story that it was Russia who shot down the plane or their Russian supported […]

Is there a Revolution Brewing over Taxes? OECD Says Yes!

This idea that we live in a world where government cares about us is just the biggest propaganda ever. Everyone one will only pursue their own self-interest. The OECD has interesting come out and warned that if governments are unable to stop the transfer of wealth to a small financial elite, the displeasure of the dispossessed […]

US & UK Central Banks Look to Rates Rising in Autumn

  Part of the real financial crisis from the central bank perspective is that they have been trapped by the excessively low-interest rates that in reality has disarmed them from even trying to steer the economy. The bid on long-term rates has been strong over the last decade thanks to retirement plans. People have been […]