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Market Talk – April 28, 2020

ASIA: India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will open a special liquidity window of approximately 6.6 billion USD to ease pressure on mutual funds, which are facing liquidity strains due to heightened volatility in capital markets in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. The scheme is available from April 27, 2020, until […]

When Will a Light Go Off?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your letter has circulated here in the _________________ Parliament. I must say, it is brilliant. The problem is most people see just writing checks is easier to understand than actually suspending expenses. I fully understand whilst you cannot terminate the income side of their balance sheet without also suspending the expenses, it […]

Will the Dow Make New Highs?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a new reader. I was wondering if you agree with Trump that the stock market will make new highs. Thank you for your time JA ANSWER: The market will make new highs, just not this instant. However, it will not make new highs because the economy will be strong. It […]

Socrates Platform Training

This session was a moderated panel format designed to share information and perspectives on a wide array of topics related to the Socrates platform. The session starts with a “general overview” of the platform, description of the models, features and different information and features available at each membership level - providing a stepping stone of sorts for those new to the platform, the models or would otherwise generally consider themselves a "beginner". For those who consider themselves more along the lines of an "intermediate" or "advanced" user, the session also shares some techniques by panelist Erwin Pletsch using Reversals and Arrays which flow from the Socrates research platform and available in the Pro level membership. This segment is intended for users who have an understanding of what Reversals and Arrays are already, and ideally have experience and a comfort level incorporating them into their own market research and strategies.

Anyone considering using the models and information within Socrates platform, as well as any techniques discussed within this or any other training sessions or materials should have experience already with investing and/or trading and are comfortable with concepts, methods, considerations and risks associated with investing and trading. It is also helpful for those to have some understanding and experience with cyclical and technical market analysis techniques and tools.

Please note the slides provided are a bit more comprehensive than some of those presented at the live session - these are intended to be used supplemental to the video which we hope helps fill in any gaps of what didn't make it to the live presentation.

Objectives of this Introductory Training

This training should enable you to:

  • Describe what the Socrates Platform is, and what it isn’t
  • Describe each of the core models available within the Socrates Platform, and why they matter
  • Understand the what the intended audience, available information, and considerations applicable to each membership level
  • Identify an example of a step-by-step process you can follow when considering using the Socrates Platform to research market behavior and uncover potential opportunities

Please make sure to read the product delivery information for details on how to access the video and slides.


Please note the presentation document accompanying the video is the same document that was provided to those who attended the live session and it is meant to compliment and expand upon the topics discussed during the session. While this exact document is exclusive to those who attended the session and purchase this video, similar content will of course be made available in the Socrates help section as well.


Disclaimer: We are not a financial services or management firm. We do not offer individualized financial advice or services. The Services we provide (as defined in our Terms and Conditions of Use, and inclusive of this training session and related materials) are made available “as is” and are for educational purposes only. No representation, warranty or guarantee is being made with regard to any of the Services, or that any financial result will or is likely to be achieved by users / members of the Services.


The views expressed and examples shared in this session, along with any related communications, materials or events (live or recorded, online or in-person) are the personal views and interpretations of the person sharing those views and interpretations, and they are not speaking on behalf of Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics, or the Company (as defined in our Terms and Conditions of Use). Moreover, all of our Services are for general audiences and the views expressed and information provided are generalized and are not particularized or meant for any specific customer, system of trading or investment, or transaction or series of transactions. Accordingly, the viewer / reader must decide for himself or herself how, when and what financial transactions and considerations make sense for them.

For sake of clarity, this document is not a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any cash or financial security or instrument. No representation is being made that any financial result will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed or referenced in any way. Any past performance (estimated, actual or otherwise) of any specific strategies, tactics, technologies, models or methodologies referenced or discussed is not indicative of future results. 


Financial investments and trades are risky and can result in significant financial loss – we highly encourage all users / members of our Services to research multiple sources of information, and to consult a reputable financial services professional regarding your personal situation and any particular investment or trade. Please see our full Disclaimer as well as our Terms and Conditions of Use on



Is Bill Gates the Dark Lord?

COMMENT: You are right. A lot more people are starting to question Bill Gates and is he becoming the dark lord against our republics. He is not only elected, not even a medical doctor, and he is certainly no economist. He wants to dictate to the world and every person must be vaccinated? PP REPLY: […]

Did Bill Gates Buy the CDC?

Dr. Anthony Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci to play with. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institutes of Health, NIH) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, […]

Unprecedented Power Grab

  We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You have to wonder if someone like Bill Gates is really stupid with respect to economics, or is he deliberately trying to further the same agenda he supported for Climate Change […]

Market Talk – April 2, 2020

ASIA: India’s policy makers are preparing a plan to carefully analyze a tough trade-off. They are considering a continued lockdown post-April 14, 2020, at the cost of longer-term economic devastation, or a rational “unlocking,” allowing India to return to work. Based on pre-COVID-19 projections of India’s GDP, the average daily GDP value for FY2021 was […]

Socrates & the Whole

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong – as a subscriber to Socrates, I find it remarkable how prescient its analyses have been. (Wish I were a better trader to benefit more financially! But that’s another story – live & learn. At least Socrates has kept me out of trouble, so far.) My observation/question is, now that Vermont has gone […]

Coronavirus & Next Great Depression

This is special report produced in two days to cover all the urgent topics arising from what has been the Hype of the Century - Coronavirus Scare. This report explains in detail the evolution of how Socrates came into existence. In so doing, Martin Armstrong has reveal his journey because the most critical factor he wants to get across is that this report is NOT based upon his personal biased opinion. This has been a scientific quest to create a system that is reliable, trustworthy, and cannot be bribed nor does it have any conflict of interest.

What is so important to understand is that Socrates has seen this coming on so many levels which include the risk of Revolution ins Europe, rising Civil Unrest as the insanity of shutting down the world economy will destroy small businesses in third world countries entirely. The Great Depression was profound because it also represented a Creative Wave of economic destruction. The invention of the combustion engine displaced jobs in agriculture combined with the natural disaster of the Dust Bowl, that unemployment reached about 25% and the agricultural industry which employed 40% of the civil workforce in 1900, had collapsed to just 3% post-World War II.

We have also a Creative Wave of Economic Destruction ongoing right now before our eyes. December 2019 was first time brick & mortar mall sales declined relative to online. We are shredding retail store jobs and then the high taxes on labor combined with demands for rising healthcare costs have businesses also replacing workers with automated machines as quickly as they can. Many small stores will go out of business thanks to what appears to be CoronaGate. This will use this and their exit strategy and not return. Universities are switching to online and soon we will no longer require professors as the internet makes them obsolete.

The hype behind this health scare is being accelerated all for political gain. This is not just the Democrats desperately trying to blame every death on Trump, but in Europe, where this scare began, it is achieving its goal - one step closer to the federalization of the EU. The surrender of sovereignty in order to get handouts from the CoronaBonds is just the beginning. This is also about the elimination of paper money and move to a fully digital currency to ensure government gets every penny of tax and to eliminate the inevitable bank run crisis in Europe.

This is an important report and it is priced for the average person - not just the trading community. This is available in a Downloadable PDF. Some of the topics covered are:

Creating Models to Hide Human Opinions
Modeling Reality
The Journey
Analyzing the Brain
The Quest for the Holy Grail or Finance
The Complexity of the Global Economy
The Dream of Socrates
Creating Socrates
Bringing Socrates to Life
Quarantine & Panic
The Second Wave
Flattening the Curve
How to Destroy a Civilization by Self-Distancing
Infamous Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Tracking Map
European Political Coup?
Is this a Political Coup
What Makes a Recession a Depression?
The Timeline
The Civil Unrest
A Lesson of Authoritarianism
Panic is the Authoritarian’s Ticket to Power
The Cycle of Revolution
Russia & the Coronavirus


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Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

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