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Britain Creating Facial Recognition Database of Everyone!

Boris Johnson has emerged as a ruthless dictator. One must wonder how this man is staying in power. There is obviously no politician who cares about his country or the future to dare even move for a no-confidence vote. When our computer has been projecting that the British pound would fall below that of the […]

It’s A Good Time to Die?

  The Democrats are out to end saving and passing on something for your children. I am sure those who voted for Biden simply because they hated Trump will find out what the real agenda is fairly soon. It might simply be a good time to die right now because the Democrats tear up everything […]

Food Crisis of 2021 in Europe

We are staring in the face of a serious food crisis in Europe as food prices rise continuously, and with further draconian COVID measures within the EU, they are bringing the food supply chains to a standstill. Our models have been warned that this 8.6-year cyclical wave into 2024 will be one of commodity inflation […]

Socialist Revolution On Target

COMMENT: When I hear Bill Gates state on video, that if other countries had “followed the procedures of Vietnam, New Zealand, and Australia, there would have been lesser deaths…” it is obvious to me that what he really was saying is ‘if other countries had followed the POLITICAL MOVES of Vietnam, New Zealand, and Australia’ […]

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that does not end NYC, I suppose nothing else will. You would think that if this was closer to the Spanish flu with a 3% kill […]

The Bull v Bear in the US Markets

While the general overview of this market by most technicians has been bearish simply based upon how high the market has risen, we are also in an interesting position where the fiction of vaccines is providing some underlying support. Based upon RELIABLE sources, this entire Build Back Better motto and a scheme were developed BEFORE […]

The Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution

I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns, they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration has moved to force everyone to register guns. The next step is to just bust into your house and confiscate them. They are taking these steps […]

Democrats Anticipate a Revolution is Coming

The deep concern for a building revolution lurks behind two major developments concentrated within the military. While more than 1,000 National Guard members will be leaving Washington, D.C. by the end of March, several thousand others will stay on indefinitely, claiming there is an ongoing mission to provide security for the U.S. Capitol. This has […]

Market Talk – March 19, 2021

ASIA: India’s central bank may have to delay the start of monetary policy normalization by three months amid rising COVID-19 cases, but barring the return of stringent lockdowns, there is no significant threat to the economy’s recovery, analysts say. Though analysts are unlikely to rush to review their long-term growth forecasts, several believe policy normalization […]

Market Talk – March 17, 2021

ASIA: Chinese embassies in the US, Italy, India, the Philippines, and other locations say they will provide “visa facilitation” to foreign applicants who can certify that they have received a Chinese shot. To enter China, most travelers also still need to prove they have tested negative for Covid-19, obtain an antibody test, and quarantine upon […]