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Trump Wins – Cruz Ends his Bid for President

On Tuesday, Ted Cruz ended his campaign. His loss in Indiana extinguished any chance of denying Mr. Trump the nomination. Trump easily took Indiana, demonstrating that the people are simply angry at those in Washington. Trump said, “We’re going after Hillary Clinton.”  Our models have shown that the Republicans should win. Only one of our four […]

Celebrities Who Want to Leave the Country if Trump is Elected

At the end of the day, does it really matter who becomes President? Typically, Democrats raise taxes and start wars and Republicans lower taxes and end wars (with the exception of shadow President Dick Cheney who sees if their is money to be made, what’s tens of thousands of lives matter?). Perhaps we need to […]

Looking more like Trump v Hillary

Donald Trump absolutely crushed Cruz after taking all five states including Pennsylvania and Maryland. Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, but Bernie may walk away with two states. The fact that Trump and Bernie are there shows that the public is really fed up with politics as it stands. It is looking more and […]

60,000 People Change Parties in Pennsylvania to Vote for Trump

The political unrest is rising. In Pennsylvania, nearly 60,000 people have changed their political party in order to vote for Trump in the primary. There is clearly a growing dissatisfaction with those in power. One would have thought Hillary was a shoe-in for a coronation, but the rising dissatisfaction with government has made Bernie Sanders […]

The Bankers Will Back Hillary Against Trump

The bankers will be backing Hillary with unlimited money. If Trump becomes the nominee, you will see a major effort to put Hillary in the White House. If the bankers do not own the White House, they will be at serious risk between 2017-2020. Right now, they have been hit with big fines for clipping […]

Sanders Beats Hillary in Wyoming; Trump Loses Colorado

Bernie Sanders continues to nip at Hillary’s heels and is preventing her from winning an uncontested coronation. Cruz beat Trump in Colorado but cannot possibly win the nomination. Cruz does not have the support among the elite Republicans who neither like nor trust him. Talk about a wild election. If Trump moves to Libertarian and […]

Cruz Defeats Trump in Wisconsin — Is This 1828-1832 All Over Again?

From the outset, inside sources have relayed that Cruz is very disliked behind the curtain. His entire strategy from the beginning has been to be the last man standing against Trump. Cruz assumes the party will install him despite the fact that most really dislike him. All the exit polls show that more than half of […]

Trump Calls for Massive Recession

Trump’s latest comments over the weekend regarding the economy are interesting but still fall short of reality. He argues the unemployment number is really in the 20%+ zone, and the number that was provided was deliberately contrived to make politicians look good. That is basically true, but his number is a bit high. He says the […]

The Press & Establishment Accuse Farage & Trump of Racism

Those in power who have something to lose always follow the same pattern of attacks. They are using the very same tactics against Trump and Farage of portraying them as racists because both are against immigration — but they are really against the establishment. When I was in London, I bumped into the very same […]

When Will Trump be Assassinated?

Whenever the establishment is seriously threatened, they respond with assassination. This is historically the normal in all cultures. One of the more credible conspiracies about the Kennedy assassination centers on the fact that he was against expanding the military and opposed starting the Vietnam War. After Lyndon Johnson approved the war, he latter commented how […]