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Market Talk- January 23, 2019

Asian markets had already had a taste of the IMF outlook, but today the Bank of Japan again trimmed its inflation forecast and that hurt the Yen. Having already suffered the weekend headlines, todays price action tended to drift in light volume even as the Yen touched the 110 handle. Eventually, the Nikkei closed with […]

The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords

There is an undertone lurking behind the rise of Donald Trump in the US, the Brexiteers in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, political re-alignments in Denmark, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Additionally, there is the change in governments in Mexico, Malaysia, and the civil unrest in Romania. They are all joined […]

Market Talk- January 21, 2019

Much had been talked about last week about the slowdown in China and on Sundays release we finally saw the latest. China GDP released at 6.4% but industrial output beat expectations. Both domestic and regional markets took this news as positive, as it tends to reflect a manageable slowdown rather than the feared ‘hard-landing’. Both […]

New York Times Becomes Really A Puppet of the Deep State?

This entire affair of desperately trying to paint Trump in league with Putin to defeat Hillary is beyond any comprehension.  Not a single left-wing press from the New York Times to CNN will ever report the truth that the release of Hillary’s emails NEVER involved altered or forged documents. They were all REAL! So this entire conspiracy they are […]

Market Talk- January 18, 2019

The rumoured report of US weighing possibilities of easing tariffs certainly helped Asian markets to open on a positive note. The Hang Seng and Shanghai markets made steady progress as the day wore-on. The rally was well rounded with all sectors adding to the gains. Given the recent domestic support for China, it was the […]

May Survives No-Confidence Vote but has until Monday 21st to present New Proposal

The British pound moved higher following the British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government narrowly surviving a no confidence vote brought by the opposition over the handling of BREXIT. The vote was narrow with May winning by just 19 votes. Our sources were correct that she would survive. However, while the 21st seems to be a […]

Market Talk- January 17, 2019

Main talking topic in Asia today was in the Chinese market after Premier Keqiang’s warning of a difficult year ahead. Offering commitments of additional public services and infrastructure, along with various public spending support, the market initially responded well. Trading from negative territory, both the Hang Seng and Shanghai indices climbed back to trade around […]

Market Talk- January 16, 2019

It appeared the rally seen in US stocks was insufficient to impress Asia with core markets closing mixed. Japan’s Nikkei returned some of yesterdays gains falling -0.55% with the Yen also trading a little heavy this evening, now with a 109 handle. It was a less than decisive day for Nikkei opening almost where it […]

Market Talk- January 15, 2019

The theme coming from US markets yesterday was a confident day as prices were lifted for much of it. Japan’s Nikkei also saw healthy demand after a lower open and that comes after yesterdays national holiday. Mostly, the gains were accredited to measurers announced in China of tax cuts and possibly extended weekends, in order […]

Market Talk- January 14, 2019

A weak start to the week for Asia probably reflecting China’s poor trade data. This mornings data was the lowest in two years and raises concerns of an accelerating global slowdown. The data also posts a 17% increase with the USA, but also worth mentioning is that imports are over 15% lower from Germany too. […]