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Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place tomorrow in Paris. So a socialist government did what has never taking place since 1962, during the Algerian War. It is very significant because it’s a left leaning government that […]

1800 was Almost the Second American Revolution

Political rivalry in the United States has been taking place since 1800 when the clash between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians pushed the political body of the nation to the point where it teetered on the brink of a second American Revolution. This clash of the Titans was sparked when the Federalists were about to lose power. […]

Innovation — Unemployment — Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for everything that you do. Comments have been made – to which you yourself have been alluding to for some time – that technology is replacing jobs at such a rapid rate, unemployment will be a major issue in the very near future.  However, these commentators conclude that this proves […]

Oil — Have We Reached the Next Turning Point?

COMMENT: MA, Someone said they sold the euro at 116 with a stop loss at 11705 and  sold gold at 1305 with a stop above last year’s high.  They earn a lot. But they not mention that your crude oil forecast is also correct! Feb 28, 2016 A daily closing above $33.60 on Monday will be a warning that […]

India Joining Cashless Society – Pulling the Plug on Govt.

COMMENT: it is just chaos by politicians destroying the future. cashless society …how did u see this just amazing.I never thought it is coming to india as indians believed in hard MONEY sir. thank you for your knowledge i think in future u should create an AI to help the people show the path. Coz there is […]

When Bronze is Worth More than Gold and Silver

An ancient Roman shipwreck has been discovered in the port of ancient Caesarea, located in Israel. The ship was full of bronze statues and coins that were destined to be melted down. The coins are from Constantine (309-337AD) and Licinius (308-324 AD). The typical bronze Follis of this period weighed 6.5 grams on average. By the end […]

Even Language Has a Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that there is a cycle to everything. I am starting to notice there appears to be cycles in the use of words especially in a legal context. Your piece on “discretion” is interesting how it evolves to suit the times. Money Laundering began as a drug crime and now it […]

World Economy Melting Down

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have indeed sparked my curiosity. With both the velocity of money and the trading volume declining since 1998, this seems to be a very dangerous position and your work is really eye opening. I read your Transactional Banking and it seems that this has changed everything for the worse. Your Big […]

Does Randomness Even Exist?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have to admit after following you for almost 2 years now I am impressed. I was a buyer of your first gold report where you introduce me to the idea of different types of cycles from fixed to variable and your benchmarks. I have been amazed that gold bottomed to the week […]

Upcoming Conferences & Events

Armstrong Economics has hosted events across the globe to accommodate international clientele at various levels. Events are typically announced a few months in advance, and virtual attendance via live stream is now available. Due to the increasing popularity of our events, tickets often sell out quickly. See what past attendees say, CLICK HERE!   We […]