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Are we headed into a European Equity Bubble?

  Our Energy models are warning that the European markets are getting overdone. We have to pay very close attention to Europe for the share markets may not advance and this could send even more capital fleeing to the USA.   Everyone has been buying the bunds and the Dax inside Europe assuming that when […]

The Movie & Europe

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I will be in Europe (Switzerland) March and April. Too bad I will miss the Berlinale. Please advise how I can find out where the movie will show in Europe? I checked the website but cannot find a schedule for 2015. I would gladly travel to see it. My background: also a […]

Europe will Move Closer to Russia & Greece will Exit Euro

Despite the hard-line insanity of US foreign policy that seems to be hell-bent on creating World War III keeping in line that it has historically been the Democrats that take America into War, everything from behind the curtain is hinting that Europe will have no choice but align itself closer with Russia. The arrogance of […]

Germans Are Spying on Everyone in Europe and Gives it all to NSA

Germany’s spy or intelligence agency, the BND, has been revealed to be gathering some 220 million pieces of metadata from foreign phone calls and text messages per day. They are handing all this info over to top US spy agencies the NSA and the CIA. The problem is, all this data is being cataloged per […]

Euro Original Currency Entry Rate

Country Currncy Code Rate Fixed on Entry Austria Austrian schilling ATS 13.7603 1998-12-31 1/1/1999 Belgium Belgian franc BEF 40.3399 1998-12-31 1/1/1999 Cyprus Cypriot pound CYP 0.585274 2007-07-10 1/1/2008 Germany German mark DEM 1.95583 1998-12-31 1/1/1999 Estonia Estonian kroon EEK 15.6466 2010-07-13 1/1/2011 Spain Spanish peseta ESP 166.386 1998-12-31 1/1/1999 Finland Finnish markka FIM 5.94573 1998-12-31 […]

Is Europe’s Austerity Policy just Incompetent?

The turmoil within Europe over this austerity policy is reaching astronomical proportions. This crazy failure to comprehend that you cannot raise taxes and increase regulation while expecting an economic recovery is stunning. All the ECB is doing is bailing out banks while interest rates go negative wiping out the savings of elderly and pension funds. […]

The Political Union of Europe Has Failed

The entire vision that a United States of Europe would prevent war has proven to be just another academic theory gone seriously wrong. Brussels has been fighting against any opportunity for the people to vote on exiting the Euro from Scotland down to Spain and Italy. They could not prevent a democratic election where the […]

The Euro & The Waterfall Projection – Judgment Day

  We have not seen a Waterfall Projection on any market in years. All of a sudden, it showed up in Euro and in Oil. Those who have been with us for decades will notice that the projection for the high was virtually a perfect formation at the top of the circle based upon the […]

Beware the Euro

  The vital technical support lies at the 1.13 level. The Euro has some support at the 1.03, 1.07, and 1.09 level. After that, we should see the Euro crack the par level. This now seems to be the goal to devalue the sovereign debt of member states. Those who have claimed the Euro would […]

Delusional Demise of the Euro – It’s A Plan Now

The eminent collapse of the Euro was pre-determined by the disastrous design from the outset. Instead of accepting responsibility and altering the mistakes that would require political reform, we are in a position where Europe is simply moving into the realm of beyond all hope. From the outset, they sent the commission to our World […]