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Is Biden for Real?

  I seriously question if Biden’s convention speech was manufactured, and I do not care that there were left-wing journalists there swearing it was all live. If that was really the case, then this clip after that speech is simply not plausible. Something is seriously wrong. Given the powers behind this election, from Gates to […]

British View of US Elections

COMMENT #1: Hello Marty; I hope all is well. Shame you are not here to see how barmy [crazy]  London has become. Just wanted to say, your forecast on BREXIT was correct against all the polls here which said it would fail. I think your computer will be correct again with Trump. We really need […]

Berlin Protest Going Forward 8-29-2020

It has been a fight to be able to even have this demonstration. It illustrates how politicians no longer represent the people and are dangerously courting a political revolution and if not at the ballot, then it historically moves toward violence by force. Authorities in the western city of Giessen banned a protest planned for […]

Hydroxychloroquine Is Being Suppressed to Keep COVID & Climate Change Agenda

There are so many doctors now coming out against Fauci and Bill Gates who have been trying to stop people from using Hydroxychloroquine in order to keep the real agenda going – destroying the economy to recreate it GREEN – Great Reset. I have stated how my cousin was on the front line of nurses […]

What Kind of Civil Unrest Are We Looking At?

COMMENT #1: There is civil unrest in America, there is no civil unrest in Europe, nothing, zero. You are just so patriotic that it is always America up, Europe down, biased scumbags. PL REPLY #1: The civil unrest our computer is forecasting is global and not limited to the United States. In case you have […]

Bitcoin Transactions Coming Under Serious Restrictions in Europe/Middle East

We have been battling in Europe over our report produced by Socrates on Bitcoin which the banks seem to be throwing into the same category as banned countries. Below is an excerpt from the clearing bank in Europe which is even banning Israel putting it in the same category as Iran and North Korea. The […]

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create millions of jobs rebuilding the economy GREEN and raising the taxes again what Trump reduced to “pay for it” as if the government ever pays for anything. The […]

The Real Masters Behind the Scenes

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read your blog with great fascination recently as the great Covid hoax continues. You talk about the global agenda for one world government and I sadly agree with your assessment. I do wonder though if you have an opinion on who the real masters are? David Icke calls them ‘the cult’ […]

Are Gates & Soros All-Powerful?

QUESTION: Since Soros Gates and their friends are so powerful and since they control a lot of things, do you think they could manipulate the world stock markets too? MG London Financial Times – June 27, 1998 ANSWER: No. Keep in mind that Socrates has been forecasting the trend without knowing who are the players […]

A Plea from Australia For Help

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Was hoping you could put this on your blog in case there are any lawyers in your readership. Surely we are being denied the right to allow our immune system to deal with this naturally. I live in the very next state to Victoria Australia and I am increasingly becoming fearful our state […]