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Market Talk – June 19, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Nikkei has reported that Apple plans to move some of its manufacturing out of China. However, it is unlikely that the jobs will go to the US against the president’s wishes. “A lower birthrate, higher labor costs and the risk of overly centralizing its production in one country. These adverse factors are […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Hong Kong repealed their decision to allow extradition to China after thousands went to the streets in protest of the original decision. Prominent activist Joshua Wong has called for the city leader Carrie Lam to step down. Chinese technology giant Huawei has admitted that there has been as much as a 40% […]

Trade Negotiations

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong In your opinion of Trump’s trade war policy, you disagree with him because it makes China look weak. What is your solution when the real problem is China stealing intellectual property and they have been called out on it. A person or party always looks weak when they get caught doing something […]

Market Talk – June 12, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: News emanating out of China states big tech firms are planning to move production out of China. This comes around after Huawei just failed to launch their new laptop. This was a first time a Huawei product failed to launch since the trade war began. An Apple partner, Foxconn Technology Group, said […]

Market Talk – June 6, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Xi of China met with President Putin in Moscow today. Xi mentioned he and Putin have a “deep personal friendship.” President Xi will stay for three days, focusing on trade and relations amongst the two countries. Reiterating his opinion, “In the past six years, we have met nearly 30 times. Russia […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The U.S. reacted to China’s claim that the “U.S. [is] applying too much pressure” to the deal by stating China is playing a “blame game” by misrepresenting the trade talks between the two countries. The U.S. Department of State head Mike Pompeo released a press statement attacking China over their handling of […]

Why Are Capital Controls Destructive?

QUESTION: Controls v Protectionism If capital controls would be such destructive measure, then China already has in place what one would consider Capital Controls and if they were to lift their control a lot of money will leave China – why is that not destructive: as you mention that the centre of finance will move […]

Market Talk – May 30, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China accused the U.S. of “economic terrorism.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the White House had “brought huge damage to the economy of other countries and the U.S. itself,” spokesperson Lu Kang told reporters in Beijing on Thursday. China has now reportedly stopped ordering soy from the U.S. over the trade […]

The Income Tax is Destroying the World Economy

It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a tyranny that our liberty, freedom of movement, and world economic growth are all at great risk. Never before in the history of human civilization do […]

Market Talk – May 16, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: After President Trump’s national emergency call over IT technology, China has threatened to retaliate against the US with sanctions. China sees America’s action as an attempt to restrict international trade by prohibiting the Chinese technology giant Huawei. There also seems to be a trend in China where people are calling for a […]