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Welcome the Federalization of One Europe to Save the Euro

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, just want to share with you an interview today with Mr Draghi in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ (June 21st 2014). I had google translated the text but made some modifications here and there. Hope you can still understand it. Draghi wants more power to Brussels, that’s quite clear from the […]

While the Talking Heads Keep Talking Bearish & Crash – Central Banks Buy Equities – The Shift From Public to Private

I previously reported that our sources were reporting that central banks were starting to buy shares to diversify their reserves. All of our sources in Asia and Europe have been reporting this trend. So while the talking heads keep preaching the crash and sell equities, the retail market may not be buying this market yet […]

French say 60% of National Debt is Illegal – Default Anyone?

I have been warning that there will be no solution without a massive debt default. This is simply the way it has historically always gone down. Public debt, which is strangely considered quality, has been actually the worst that can possibly exist. Simply stated, no government has ever paid its debt except the single exception […]

You Are Not Alone

QUESTION:  Martin, One of my friends who reads you said reading your stuff is like getting a graduate level course in political economics.  You’ve said that various colleges have asked that you teach.  You should suggest to them that they simply require their students to read your on line postings. I am curious as to […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

Interest Rates

In reality, easy-money policies and below-normal interest rates are here for a long time to come. We are seeing pressure on the labor market still has not fully recovered from the financial crisis and recession. We are at twice the level where we were prior to the economic turn in 1929 that became the Great […]

The Rise Against Corruption Is Also Inside USA

  COMMENT: They should title it ….”protesters protest corruption” Of course these small time medias are in the pockets of someone else. REPLY: Sometimes the small media just publishes events because it is news and they do not think about what is behind it. The major networks clean everything. There use to be the Fairness Doctrine, which […]

Weak Demand at Long-Term Treasury Auction

The Treasury Department saw the weakest demand since August 2011 in a sale of 30-year Treasury bonds today. The demand for long-term bonds that has driven interest rates well below the old benchmark of 8% has been the rise in demand for pensions. As the Baby-Boomers were getting closer to retirement, the bid for “safe” […]

Banks Close in Donetsk – A Lesson for the Rest of Us

What is happening in Donetsk is by the classic book on how to wipe out an economy. The banking system has shut down. The banks simply have said it is too dangerous for their staff to work. The only way to get any money is using a bank card but that will soon run out. Ukraine’s […]