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NY Times Recants – Overstated Children Hospitalized with COVID by 800,000

We have a very serious crisis in the media. The left-leaning press is so outrageous that they now appear to be deliberately trying to herd people into vaccines for Big Pharma and the press may be compromised with good old fashion CASH. Fox News is reporting how the New York Times overstated the number of […]

Is Soros Trying to Overthrow the USA?

George Soros is providing money to perhaps essentially overthrow our way of life. He donated $500,000 in Austin, Texas, to defund the police in order to destabilize society. Why Austin, Texas? It is a Republican state. The objective is to destabilize Texas with also all the illegal immigrants to flip it to Democrat, which is […]

Market Talk – October 7, 2021

ASIA: China has been busy cultivating at least two new coal markets, Mozambique and South Africa, and expanding trade with smaller exporters, including Kazakhstan, Myanmar and Colombia. Cultivation has been underway since the start of the year, as domestic demand for coal-fired power rises acutely amid an electricity crunch and ban on the commodity from […]

Market Talk – October 6, 2021

ASIA: The US plans to launch new trade talks with China, but will maintain tariffs on Chinese imports as it presses Beijing to fulfill pledges to buy more US goods and services, according to Biden administration officials. The Biden administration will directly engage with Beijing in the coming days to enforce commitments in their trade […]

Market Talk – October 5, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s services sector activity shrank for a 20th straight month in September as the coronavirus pandemic continued to weigh on sentiment, though the pace of decline eased from the sharp contraction seen in August. The government last week ended state of emergency curbs it had imposed to get the health crisis under control, as […]

This is Getting Really Insane

Well, my phone has been red hot today. There are some people in Washington who should call to get a reality check. Biden’s plan for spending is in trouble, and even Democrats are starting to wonder who the hell is pulling these strings. There have been proposals to save the planet and impose about an […]

Market Talk – September 29, 2021

ASIA: China’s ambitious foreign infrastructure push has saddled poor nations with “hidden debt” worth $385 billion, and more than a third of the projects have been hit by alleged corruption scandals and protests, a study said Wednesday. Research from international development research lab AidData said that opaque deals with state banks and companies under President […]

Market Talk – September 28, 2021

ASIA: China remained on course to be more than 30% short of its 2021 commitments under the phase one trade deal with the United States with four months left, according to the latest analysis of trade data between the world’s two largest economies. The phase one trade deal outlined in the agreement mention that China […]

Market Talk – September 27, 2021

ASIA: China will likely fail in its bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, but its move to submit an application highlighted the lack of US economic policy in Asia-Pacific. CPTPP is an 11-nation mega-trade pact formed in 2018 after Donald Trump pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership a year earlier. […]

Market Talk – September 24, 2021

ASIA: Evergrande’s debt crisis will slow down China’s economic growth, but will likely have minimal spillover on the country’s financial system, Li Daokui, a former advisor to the People’s Bank of China said in an interview to CNBC. He added that a default by Evergrande will have minimal effect on the Chinese financial system because […]