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Lanny Davis Makes it Clear The Prosecutor Wrote the Script & His Client Cohen Just Agreed – Not his Own Words

  Lanny Davis is the attorney representing Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Here is a lesson in legal wordsmithing. This attorney Mr. Davis cleverly avoids any direct answer and the press does not even understand his answer. He specifically states that Cohen did not plead in his own word, that the prosecutors wrote the script to […]

Italy Warns that Stopping QE will Lead to Collapse of Eurozone

Italy has called on the ECB to guarantee the bond yields warning that if they END quantitative easing the Eurozone will break apart. On this score, they are not wrong. The economic spokesman for the Italian governing party Lega has warned of a collapse of the Eurozone. The ECB should ensure that the yield spreads of government bonds […]

The Minsky Moment

A number of people have asked if I ever looked at Hyman Minsky’s concepts in forecasting the economy. Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis failed not because of the fact that he attempted to interject cycles and even listened to Schumpeter, the problem was that he was an economist and not a trader. His own attempts to devise a […]

Understanding The Dollar Strength

  It is fascinating to watch how the bias in people just ensures not just that a sucker is born every minute to replace the one that wises-up, but there are suckers who never learn from experience and cling to their ideas no matter how much it costs them. The U.S. dollar has been climbing […]

Why Has the Magnitsky Film Been Banned in USA & Europe?

The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes has been pulled from everywhere. You do not ban a film in Europe and the United States if it is wrong. This is perhaps a huge cover-up that goes really beyond comprehension. The film was funded by ZDF TV in Europe and they have the power to prevent it from […]

The IMF’s SDR & Monetary Reform – Another Crazy Idea?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader of your blog and a big fan of the tools that you have developed for investors. Thanks for all that you do and I wanted to reach out and ask about your opinion of the thesis that ——-  outlines for the IMF implementing SDRs as world money […]

Climate Change is Real – Do Droughts Last 8.6 Years?

  It is time to begin to really investigate Climate Change for what our computer is forecasting is like a dramatic rise in volatility or a Panic Cycle to be more accurate. What does that mean? We are going to experience extremes on both sides. You will see record temperature in the summer of 100+ […]

Trade Wars & Rising Interest Rates – The Top Concerns of Fund Managers

The interesting fact is that the majority of fund managers today have reduced their equity allocation to their lowest level since November 2016 according to Reuters. The reason for this is their focus of trade and their assumption that the Great Depression was caused by a PROTECTIONISM. According to yet a recent monthly report by […]

The Violence in Northern Ireland is Not Finished

Reuters is reporting that Northern Ireland was hit by a new wave of street violence overnight on the eve of annual parades. This is demonstrating that there remains underlying tensions between pro-British Protestants and Irish nationalist Catholics in the British occupied region. Vehicles were set on fire, petrol bombs were thrown, and roads were closed off […]

Are Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?

QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their mandates? Are central bankers directing the flow of money without any checks or balances? Do you also think that there is an open door between […]