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Happy New Year — Bail-In Passed for Europe's Banks

The mainstream media is not extensively reporting on the “experimental” bail-in that the EU imposed on Cyrus. The bail-in, that they swore would never be applied to Europe, will officially begin in January. This new power will be in the interest of taxpayers as they will no longer be forced to pay for failed banks that were […]

EU Using the Refugees to Federalize Europe

Europe is failing. They have been pressing down upon the neck of Europe with more undemocratic authoritarian measures to maintain their jobs in Brussels. What Hitler and Napoleon could not accomplish, the EU Parliament has done with lies and stealthy maneuvers behind the curtain with the support of the press. When 2017 arrives, this will […]

Why Europe Will Collapse: Schultz's Outrage at Poland

A huge protest against the Europe Union has taken place in Poland. When I was there, everyone I spoke to was against joining the euro. They all said that the euro would destroy Poland as it did in Greece and the rest of Southern Europe. European Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD) has said that the […]


Euro Rally

QUESTION: Marty, I believe you said if the Euro closes below 10365 for the year then everything would fall apart. If it closed above 105, then the decline can be more prolonged. What is the bullish level to reverse the downtrend? BK PS Great conference ANSWER: Yes, your two numbers are correct. The upside has […]

Euro & the Hamiltonian Model

“The Euro & the Hamiltonian Model” is a special report looking at the failed structural design of the euro that caused it to collapse. This report compares the structure of the euro and its fatal flaw in contrast to the Hamiltonian model that succeeded in creating a single nation and a single currency.


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Euro & the Carry Trade

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the rally in the euro and the failure to see a similar move in gold certainly makes this appear to be just a short cover rally. Correct? ANSWER: Yes. This illustrates just how big the short euro position was on the carry trade. The underlying “fundamentals” did not change, in fact they got […]

Euro Knee Jerk Reaction of Sell the Rumor Buy the News?

Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank (ECB) has moved as expected to try to force the Euroland into an economic recovery by cutting a key interest rate on the overnight deposit rate was cut from -0.2% to -0.3%, to compel banks to lend instead of parking money at the ECB. He also extended his ECB […]

Thatcher v Euro – Was She a Prophet?

Thatcher knew the Euro would fail and stated bluntly that the “government believes in the pound sterling”. “We had arguments which might persuade both the Germans – who would be worried about the weakening of anti-inflation policies – and the poorer countries – who must be told that they would not be bailed out of […]

Jean-Claude Juncker Warns Border Control will Kill Euro

  EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned of the end of the single currency if EU members resurrect border controls once again. This statement reflects the internal dissent with Germany over the refugee crisis. It certainly seems rather insane that Europe just open its doors in this manner with the inability to truly screen those […]