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The Business Cycle Always Wins

While some economists are flipping from pessimistic to increasingly optimistic the US will beat inflation without a near-term recession, some still preach the standard doom & gloom prophecy for the economy. Everything in their field always turns on the Keynesian Model of interest rates, with the standard fallout from higher interest rates always will depress […]


The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there. TikTok […]

Have Trump’s Lawyers Been Compromised?

QUESTION: In “The Trump Florida Indictment Violates the Constitution,” you recommend that Trump’s lawyers should file motions to dismiss based on substantive due process violations. I am a lawyer and believe you’re correct. Any speculation as to why they don’t? FS ANSWER: Not sure if they are representing him. This has never been done before. It […]

British Lose Confidence in Banks

Britain’s four largest banks have reported that clients have withdrawn £78 billion, marking the steepest bank run since 2018. NatWest, Barclays, Lloyds, and HSBC all reported significant withdrawals in the 12 months leading up to June 2023. Worsening matters, the House of Commons Treasury Committee accused the four banks of “blatant profiteering” and “squeezing higher […]

Limited Military Draft — September 29, 2024?

The US military has been struggling to recruit new members for years. I have reported on this various times and noted that the computer predicts that a US draft may be approved on September 29, 2024. This date marks 51.6 years from the precise day that President Richard Nixon ended the draft on January 27, […]

JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjure himself for the government or face 120 years in prison. This is how they win Conspiracy Cases. Federal Judge Jed. S. Rakoff wrote a book on the extortion […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2023

ASIA:   Stripe, a US-based payments processor, has released a report discussing how digital trade is reshaping the global economy and how businesses are responding. The report is based on transaction data from Stripe’s platform and surveys of business leaders and consumers across nine countries. It highlights how technology is diversifying international trade routes and […]

United States Debt Downgraded to AA+

Inflation was transitory. Now, the credit rating of the United States plummeting from AAA to AA+ by Fitch is “arbitrary,” according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. “In Fitch’s view, there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters, notwithstanding the June bipartisan agreement […]

US Credit Rating & the Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: What do you make of the US debt downgrade? Do you think this has anything to do with indicting Trump in three courts? I know many people decided to donate to Trump today, even for the first time, as a sign of disapproval of the Biden Administration and the RINOs. HJ ANSWER: It is […]

Left Declares White Males as Most Dangerous Demographic in USA

  Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men." — Molly ? (@mollyfprince) July 24, 2019 “Squad” member Ilhan Omar was interviewed by Al Jazeera in February 2018 prior to taking a seat in Congress. When asked whether Islamophobia was due to “jihadist terrorism,” the openly racist politicians said “our […]