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Flirting With the End Times?

QUESTION: You have said you have backtested your ECM into ancient times. Have these cycles been consistent? Have you arrived at a conclusion as to why? Thank you. It was a great WEC. I for one always lean a lot. EL ANSWER: Yes, I have reconstructed the monetary system of the world using the coinage […]

Market Talk – October 26, 2022

ASIA:   China has decided the status quo of Taiwan’s situation is no longer acceptable and has begun to ratchet up pressure on the self-governing island, including holding out the possibility of using force, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday. Speaking at an event organized by Bloomberg, Blinken said China had altered […]

UN Tries to Blame Food Crisis on Putin

Honestly, these lies and propaganda coming from the United States and Europe is just a slap in the face and it demonstrates that they look upon us as the BRAIN-DEAD Great Unwashed. Too stupid to understand even how to live without their orders. The Biden Administration and the EU are desperate to blame everything on […]

Population & Social Security – Civil Unrest

QUESTION #1: Dear Martin and AE Team, Thank you for everything you do and have done for us, the little people. My question is this. As you/Socrates have predicted the fall of governments on a global scale, along with the collapse in confidence, of which I am the poster child for, I was a lifelong […]

Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming!

Our models have confirmed that Biden’s sanctions against all Russians have undeniably destroyed the global economy unfortunately precisely on time from its birth in 1950. Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Biden’s sanctions. Not only are we witnessing a withdrawal of Western capital from […]

It’s Not Just Energy – It’s Also Metals

The outrageous sanctions imposed by Biden on Russia has undermined the entire world economy. Sanctions have never worked and this time they were designed to try to hurt the Russian people so profoundly that they would overthrow Putin – regime change. The Ukrainians are even naming Alexander Bortnikov, the Russian Director of the Federal Security […]

The ECM & March 14th

There are so many events that took place on the ECM turning point it is hard to cover them all. Aside from the fact that this target will most likely also see the first interest rate rise by the Fed signally that this trend has changed, the SEC came out in full force warning about […]

Distrust is the Default

Public confidence has plummeted. People across the world have lost faith in their governments, economy, and overall futures. The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 36,000 respondents from 28 countries in November 2021. Similar sentiments are being felt across the world as inflation, civil unrest, and war continues to wreak havoc on our lives with no […]

Did Incompetence Set in Motion The Ukrainian Crisis?

There is something very serious taking place here. Ironically, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be the ONLY world leader to speak the truth that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will NOT engulf the world into a world war by dragging in NATO. The Epoch Times reported: “I also made it clear in Moscow and in my […]

Mass Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance

Comment: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I hope you will have time to read the following about the situation in Québec and hopefully post it on your blog for the benefit of all. What is going on in the Province of Québec currently is far more serious than the “health tax” brought up this week by Premier Legault.  […]