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The Donald Trump of China — Ren Zhiquiang

The number one issue concerning Donald Trump is the misrepresentation that this political unrest is about Trump. We are watching a worldwide uprising against government. This is the West’s version of 1989 that took down communism. We are witnessing opposition to the establishment everywhere from Germany, France, Britain, and even China. The Chinese version of Donald Trump […]

Elite Republicans Against Trump

There is no question that the establishment will deliberately try to hand the election to Hillary because they are scared to death of an outsider coming in who might start vetoing their pork deals. All my sources are screaming that the establishment will do whatever it takes to stop Trump. By no means is this […]

Republicans for Hillary Because Trump is not a Conservative? Really?

Republicans for Hillary are starting to emerge under the pretense that Donald Trump is not a “conservative,” if you can believe that one. There have been secret meetings behind closed curtains among the Republican elite. The story they will spin is that Trump is not a conservative and his anti-Mexican comments would hurt the party, so […]

Trump is Getting Votes in the Australian Election

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Thought you might be interested in this; we had a local council election yesterday (Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia), and in one of the divisions Donald Trump managed to secure 1% of the vote! In justifying their vote, one person said, “The system is run by clowns, why not vote for him”, more evidence […]

Romney Trying to Run as a Savior? Obama Says Trump Will Not Be President

  Rubio does not seem to have what it takes to get the nomination. He would be a nice puppet like George Bush Jr. and Obama and would do whatever the unelected government told him to do. Cruz is not very well liked behind the curtain and injects too much religion for a national office. […]

The Republicans Declare War on Trump & Condemn Republican Party

The Republicans have declared war on Trump simply because they fear that any outsider will cut them off from rolling in the perks. They have attacked Trump personally and have demonstrated that they are brain dead. This is no longer about Trump as an individual. They are simply ignoring why the people have voted for […]

Outrageous Reports of Republicans Engaged in Voter Fraud to Stop Trump

Widespread polling booth and ballot malfunctions in several states bring into question the integrity of our voting system. By lunchtime on Super Tuesday, Election Protection, a nonpartisan coalition of groups that run election-day hotlines, said their hotline had received more than 1,000 calls. The majority of calls came from Alabama, Georgia, and Texas. Voters in Williamson County, Texas, […]

Super Tuesday Results – Looks Like Trump v Hillary

The results from Super Tuesday. Is it too early to rule out the possibility of a third-party candidate?

Advice for Trump

QUESTION: What advice would you give to Donald Trump?

Christie Endorses Trump – Why the Shock?

All the pundits on TV are expressing shock that Christie has endorsed Trump. I really cannot imagine the surprise. Politics is supposed to be their expertise. Trump needed a VP who was, at least, establishment to placate the elites. Cruz is a no-go and Rubio is showing how nasty and immature he is. Rubio is […]