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It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland

The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold winter that will further endanger food production. The entire problem with […]

Market Talk – December 2, 2021

ASIA: China’s property downturn is expected to continue into the first half of 2022, with home prices and sales falling as tight credit policies and a looming property tax dampen demand, a Reuters poll showed. Home prices are expected to drop 1.0% in H1 2022 and Property investment in H1 2022 is expected to slump […]

Biontech Staff Vaccine Hesitancy   While the world is trying to imprison people who are not vaccinated, here Biontech owners and staff are hesitant to take the vaccine. Ugur Sahin, said in this 2020 interview when he was asked if he had taken the vaccine (before it was available) that he would have to follow the vaccine regulation […]

Bill Gates Handed Media $319 Million to Support his Agenda?

People are starting to look at perhaps the most devious billionaire in history, far surpassing Rockefeller. Bill Gates has shelled out over $300 million to buy the media. Anyone who has been noticing can see that the media has been pushing climate change. Anyone reporting about the Great Reset becoming fake news need only follow […]

There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!

QUESTION: Hello I think there is something wrong with the pattern when it comes to covid and the vaccines. It just do not add up. If the vaccines are about depopulation, then why does Gates vaccinate the people he would like to keep if he could choose? Why isn´t for example Africa the most vaccinated […]

Warning – Migrate from Urban Cities to the Suburbs

I have warned that they were considering lockdowns for climate change. India has been the first to impose a lockdown in New Delhi all for air pollution. I strongly recommend that if you can, get out of the major urban cities before you find yourself locked in home imprisonment denied all human rights on the […]

Gates – Vaccines & Population Growth

Bill Gates simply cannot be this stupid. He is engaging in pure sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world by our way of life. Gates is claiming that we need to vaccinate everyone in the world so they will have a healthier […]

Biden’s Build Back Better – Selling Out America

Congress passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, and then the new American Communist press shifted their focus immediately to the Democratic legislation known as the Build Back Better Act. That bill includes a host of progressive priorities such as paid family and sick leave, public housing, child care, and universal preschool. Add to that $550 […]

The Billionaire Tax will be for Everyone

Biden’s Wealth Tax is going to be very dangerous. For now, it is called the Billionaires’ Tax which means all assets are to be taxed worldwide. That will include the stock market, real estate, rare art, comic books, classic cars, jewelry, and collectibles. This new tax would apply solely, for now, to people with at […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s economy likely shrank over the summer as a Covid surge and supply bottlenecks slammed an already feeble recovery, according to estimates by several economists just two days before the nation goes to the polls. The economy likely contracted by 1.1% on an annualized basis in the three months to September, Yoshiki Shinke, chief economist […]