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The Euro/Swiss Peg would Go “and they’re not going to be able to do much about it”

  Here are transcripts of the WEC since the Movie Producers filmed everything since 2011. They had transcripts made and can search a topic and come up with the time I discussed it. 4:11:02 “Alright, I’ll pay more, but he’s paying 75 so that makes it ok.” This is what’s going on. Every time in the cycle […]

The Euro/Swiss Has Been Warning The Peg Could Not Hold

  At the Berlin World Economic Conference I delivered the same forecast we gave to the Swiss – the EURO/SWISS PEG COULD NOT HOLD.  Indeed, its lasted about Pi 3.14 years before the pressure really built and 3.3 years it cracked. Who is to blame? The Swiss? Or does the blame belong to Brussels and […]

The Euro – Here We Go

  The whole idea of creating the Euro without consolidating the debts was the BRAIN-DEAD idea of academics with ZERO trading experience and lawyers. We really cannot afford these types of people making financial decisions about how to run the world. Whatever Brussels could have done wrong, they did. The EU politicians have assumed that […]

Gold – Dollar – Euro

  We are in a very fluid period, which can be confusing, yet it is important to comprehend that NOTHING but NOTHING is ever PERMANENT. On the one hand, gold will eventually decline for its final low on the benchmarks. The only thing that will call that into question is a Monthly Closing ABOVE 1350. […]

The Swiss Dollar Levels – The Flight from Euroland

  The extreme support for the Swiss against the dollar lies at the 80-81 level. Resistance forms now at the 88-90 area followed by 93. The extreme collapse was due to the tremendous losses incurred by the central bank and the complacency among traders, including hedge funds, who basically just follow the crowd. You have […]

Swiss Peg Collapses – The Euro’s Nightmare

On September 6th, 2011 the Swiss National Bank (SNB) was aiming for a substantial and sustained weakening of the Swiss franc after Swiss companies threatened to leave because the rising franc reduced their exports. The SNB would no longer tolerate a EUR/CHF  exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF 1.20. The SNB set out to […]

Swiss Abandon Peg to Euro – The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Swissy

The Swiss franc has risen by almost 30pc against the euro after the central bank shocked global markets by abandoning its long-standing peg to the euro imposed in 2011. The Swiss had no choice. They have been buying Euro at alarming amounts as smart money bet the Swiss would be far better at the end […]

European Leaders Mourn Death of the Euro?

  One of our readers made this photo to reflect another aspect of reality. The lack of political free speech in the European financial community led to analysts creating a code word for Greece leaving the Eurozone –  GREXIT. They we forbidden to write about or even mention the possibility of anyone leaving the Euro, […]

Woe is Europe – Watch What Happens When Lawyers & Socialists Rule

QUESTION: Hi, Your call on this has been absolutely and impressively correct. You have said that  the Dollar is going to ‘vertigo and that the Euro is dead”. Is it possible to give us some idea of what you mean by this please? As always, thanks. ANSWER: Here is the chart I displayed at the […]

The Euro In Free-Fall

  The Euro elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at the 12150 area and it has penetrated the 2010 low so far of 11880 intraday reaching so far 11801. The key support lies at a set of DOUBLE WEEKLY BEARISH REVERSALS found at 11778. If we elect that this year, the Euro will fall most likely […]