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The COVID Bait & Switch

QUESTION: Do you really think that the Democratic leadership is trying to hurt people? FD ANSWER: It is not just the Democrats. We are looking at politicians around the world. It makes no sense with such a low death rate that is equivalent to the flu and all the forecasts of Neil Ferguson have proven […]

Markets, the Future & This Craziness

It is impossible to forecast the markets without this political war that is taking place and the organized Great Reset. People have asked what about the extreme Republicans? It is very hard to find the middle ground any more. Both parties have their middle and those in the Democrats I speak too are equally concerned […]

Food Shortages Hitting China

I have explained many times that while we see this 8.6-wave of the Economic Confidence Model as inflationary, this is strikingly different insofar as it will be on the back of food shortages.  I have warned that Socrates was projecting food shortages because of the weather. However, now we have these global elitists manipulating the […]

Protests Are Rising Worldwide Against these Lockdowns

We are starting to see ever greater protests rising up around the world. This is not just in Germany, as we are witnessing this in Canada as well as the United States. We are receiving word that on August 29th, there will also be protests in Europe and the French Yellow Vests will join in. […]

The Agenda is Right in the Open But the Media & Politicians Turn a Blind Eye

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, By some weird stroke of coincidence, your recent article “Belgium Files Suit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson” beat me to the punch. I had planned to write you about the need for We the People of Planet Earth to organize ourselves globally and files millions of class actions the world over. […]

My Personal Opinion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your personal opinion about the rise of all this confrontation over a virus that has justified reducing all freedoms and rights? Do you plan to stay in the United States? LN ANSWER: Personally, I am very depressed about the future. This is all choreographed form 2018. This is the merger […]

The Media’s Conspiracy Against the People

YouTube moderators, with no medical background to even determine if what is being said is true, are censoring doctors who contradict the WHO and Bill Gates. It is totally outrageous how these social media companies are conspiring against the people to censor things they have no expertise in reviewing. This is purely a “policy” decision, […]

Can Trump Postpone the Election? Maybe He Can!

Trump tweeted about postponing the election due to the mail-in voting without proving who you are. There is a lot of fake news running around claiming that the 20th Amendment to the Constitution says the term must end by January 20th. However, this does not specify which January. The 20th Amendment says: The terms of […]

The Elitists Are Risking their Lives to Maintain Lockdowns

COMMENT: Hi Marty. Is it time to despair yet?? (Only half kidding…) Pretty much every country is now bringing back restrictions, obligatory masks, regional lockdowns, or a combination of all of these. Austria has again decreed that masks are now obligatory in closed public spaces (supermarkets, banks, post offices, churches, gas stations, etc). Belgium has done […]

Italexit – New Party in Italy to Exit the EU

We are witnessing the rise of the new party in Italy headed by Gianluigi Paragone calling for the exit of there EU. New Italian party calls for the exit from EU bolding saying: “Germany takes everything and leaves the crumbs to the rest of the states.” As the economic hardship rises thanks to the virus […]