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German Inflation 22.6% – The End is in Sight

The wholesale prices in Germany rose at a record pace in March. Compared to the same month the previous year, wholesale prices jumped by 22.6%, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Tuesday in Wiesbaden. This is the highest increase since calculations ever began in 1962. In February, the rate was already high at 16.2%, […]

Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and […]

Market Talk – April 6, 2022

ASIA: Core consumer prices in Japan’s capital rose at the fastest pace in more than two years in March, propelled by energy costs that have hit a four-decade high following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The relentless uptrend in global commodity prices could ruin Japan’s fragile recovery from the pandemic, even as domestic COVID-19 infections wane […]

Market Myths – Critical Issue To Understand

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am trying to make sense of the US stock markets and am trying to understand how to best position myself now. I feel I did a terrible mistake by “betting” on further declining markets roughly two weeks ago – given the expected policy change of the Fed, the already high […]

ECASH & Elizabeth Warren’s Hatred of America Linked to WEF

QUESTION #1: Is this ECASH bill an attempt to do an end-run around the Fed raising interest rates and preparing to default on debt EM QUESTION #2: Martin: Congratulations on your “scoop” regarding ECASH, however… have done an extremely poor job of actually describing what it is…who will have it…will it be mandatory for everyone…what […]

Biden Out to Destroy the US Financial Markets – Tomorrow

The REASON Biden needs war is very simple. The world monetary system is collapsing. The negative interest rates in Europe since 2014 have wiped out all the pension funds that needed 8% to break even. This is what is being the Guaranteed Basic Income because the politicians have destroyed the future of pensions. Even in […]

It’s Not Just Energy – It’s Also Metals

The outrageous sanctions imposed by Biden on Russia has undermined the entire world economy. Sanctions have never worked and this time they were designed to try to hurt the Russian people so profoundly that they would overthrow Putin – regime change. The Ukrainians are even naming Alexander Bortnikov, the Russian Director of the Federal Security […]

The Crisis in Europe – Robbing Pension Funds to Replace QE

  Boris Johnson in Britain announced a new law that will allow the government to confiscate private assets of those who resist the government under the pretense of Russian Sanctions. Meanwhile, the European Union was also drafting legislation that would allow Brussels to take private property in the event of a pandemic emergency. Of course, […]

Market Talk – March 17, 2022

ASIA: Indian banks may face some headwinds from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which could lead to higher inflation and some stress for borrowers, S&P Global Ratings analyst informed. Indian banks’ direct exposure to Russia and Ukraine is limited, and the direct impact from the conflict is likely to be marginal, S&P analysts said. Gross non-performing assets […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy might be less directly impacted by the war in Ukraine or the sanctions on Russia, but a potential hit to global growth and rising inflation can eventually put a dent on its economic outlook. Russia represents a rather small share of global gross domestic product (GDP) at about 1.6 per cent, and it […]