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The Drastic Alteration of QE that is About to be Unleashed

QUESTION #1: Sir, You stated in your blog that Fed may fix 2 and 10 year bond rates. Doesn’t this negate the yield curve concept/ credit theory? Won’t this accelerate the distrust for government? Wont this further accelerate/aggravate the pension crisis? Appreciate you teaching the little guys See you in Oct DK QUESTION #2: Marty; […]

Market Talk – April 22, 2019

Asia: The somewhat controversial Chinese company Huawei posted a 39% increase in first quarter revenue, despite pressure from the US government. Huawei is investing heavily in the realm of 5G networks, which offer speeds of up to ten times that of the current 4G technology. There are currently many scientists who are against the new […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2019

Asia: The World Bank president stated today that there is too much debt in the world, and finger pointing has turned toward China for lending trillions of dollars to other countries. This of course does not factor in that much of its holding debt is issued from mature countries, such as the U.S. In the […]

Market Talk – April 10, 2019

Asia: The EU has pledged to improve trade relationships with China, as well as improving the climate for foreign investors in the mainland. The signed declaration allowed for broader and non-discriminatory market access to the Chinese economy. Also mentioned was IP rights, which was an issue with the U.S.-China trade deal. Lastly, efforts were made […]

Market Talk – April 9, 2019

Asia: China wishes to ban bitcoin mining in an attempt to make the world a safer place – at least that is the positioning according to the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission. While hard to take serious at times, the group releases a report every year announcing what industries it wishes to restrict or […]

Is the FED Throwing in the Towel?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, you commented very intensively on the ECB destroying bond markets and the failure of monetary policy in Europe. By yesterday the US Fed also declared the end of the shrinking of the balance sheet. Possibly they will start QE4. So I would warmly welcome your comment on the US Fed – throwing […]

Market Talk – March 19, 2019

Note: Due to technical issues, the delivery of this blog post was abnormally delayed. We apologize for inconvenience. Asia: Denmark’s largest telecom group, TDC, has chosen Ericsson (from Sweden) over existing provider Huawei to roll out its ultra-fast 5G mobile network. This is on the back of recent security concerns regarding China. According to a […]

Market Talk – March 11, 2019

Asia: A mixed day for the major Asian stock markets; Shanghai led the way after adding 57.13 points (+1.92%, 3027 close), followed by SENSEX (+382.67 points, +1.04%, 37,054 close). Hang Seng and NIKKEI 225 increased 274.88 points (+0.97%, 28,503 close) and 103.16 points (+0.49%, 21,122 close) respectfully. HOSPI and ASX200 took the opposite route, losing […]

Market Talk – March 7, 2019

Asia: President Trump says he is optimistic that a landmark trade deal with China is near completion, however, reports suggest that Chinese officials do not feel the same. The latest news with Huawei suing the US over a product ban does not help the overall situation. A mixed day for Asian stocks: Shanghai rose 5 […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2019

Asia: Major global news today regarding the US China trade talks. President Trump tweeted on Sunday that the US and China have made substantial progress with the trade talks, extended trade talks were made during the weekend and the deadline for the tariff increase has subsequently been postponed. However, he did stress that an agreement […]