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Is South America Turning Anti-Marxist?

It seems like we are in a period where everyone just moves in the opposite direction of what they have been. Where Klaus Schwab says you will own nothing and be happy,  those in the former communist states of China and Russia never saw it that way. Ironically, the land that is becoming more free […]

The Good News – We Are Starting to Win

There is a private school in Miami named the Centner Academy which took a bold and courageous stand against this COVID nonsense. They decided to defend their students, thanks to Governor DeSantis, against this entire COVID agenda. They have rejected the experimental Gates vaccines and have their own creed to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual […]

Market Talk – September 1, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy stalled this month as the country tried to stamp out a surge in coronavirus cases and contended with the ongoing shipping crisis. China’s economy initially coped with the pandemic much better than many of its peers, recording growth last year as others shrank. But the fallout from the Delta variant and China’s […]

BigTech – Replacing Banks

QUESTION: Can you explain how using Jack Dorsey’s financial tools are another way Americans are surrendering their freedoms. Although the transaction fees are a fraction of banks and the time duration are almost instant. Thanks – although after years or writing into your block/contact I’ve yet to have a reply N ANSWER: Back in 2020, […]

Was the Origin of COVID from a Canadian Lab?

Perhaps you will recall the early claims that there was a link between the lab in Canada and Wuhan, which were immediately called a conspiracy theory so they do not have to answer them. The samples of the first version of COVID match what was created in the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. Also buried […]

The Biden Administration is a Joke

The Biden Administration is a complete disaster. As I have said, the Deep State got everything they ever dreamed of — the freedom to do as they like with no president in charge. But there is no position within the Deep State to which any of these agencies need to answer. Therein lies the problem. […]

Market Talk – August 23, 2021

ASIA: A group of the most influential American business groups is urging the Biden administration to restart trade talks with China and cut tariffs on Chinese-made goods that had remained in place after the start of the trade war between the two countries. The group on Thursday in a letter asked that the Biden administration […]

NY Cops Who Refuse to Get Vaccinations Must Wear Masks

New York City cops who have refused to get vaccines are told they must wear masks, even though they do absolutely nothing. As I reported before, all the studies show that masks are “useless,” as reported by the Washington Post. What is happening is that the resistance to this nonsense is rising. If they fire […]

“The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981

Jacques Attali is a well-known French economist and social theorist. He has been a political adviser but also a senior civil servant, which is in itself a distorted term for they never see themselves as serving the people. We have simply been a herd of sheep to manage. Additionally, Attali was a counselor to the […]

What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change

This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of everyone’s eyes, but mainstream media refuses to allow the dots to be connected and anyone who dares to simply open their eyes is immediately called […]