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Monetary Crisis Cycle Report

Like clockwork, we tend to go through these monetary resets because those in power lack the experience of a trader and always design some system that is destined to fail. The gold standard under Bretton Woods failed because they fixed the value of gold at $35 but never fixed the supply of dollar. Eventually, there was not enough gold to back the money supply at such a fixed ratio. In creating the Euro, they refused to consolidate the debts. They again tried to create a currency but then lacked even government bonds to back the currency as was the case at the Federal Reserve.
We truly must come to an understand not just what is money, but what is the true role of money within the economy. It is one thing to argue that there is a Monetary Crisis Cycle which runs through history like a regular heartbeat. But what are we truly measuring? There are arguments that many have made that money must be commodity based and have some intrinsic value. This concept truly goes back to the very beginning or society when we simply were engaging in barter – I will give you three potatoes for two carrots. There was no “labor” factor at this early stage. It was still very primitive.
Understanding that the value of currencies is no longer some tangible commodity or bond, but it is the collective capacity of the people. Some third world countries can have twice the amount of people as the United States, but if they lack the entrepreneurship to create an economy, then it means nothing. Russia has all the hard assets, but not the creativity of China. China, Japan, and Germany all rose from the ashes without gold using only fiat currencies.
This report deals with the coming Monetary Crisis Cycle and the reset we historically go through periodically. This is due in 2021-2022 and we can see this coming like a train approaching down the tracks. First there was the Inverted Yield Curve, then the Repo Crisis, now the Central Bank Crisis, and next the Monetary Crisis. Welcome to the interesting times of the 21st century.


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What Happens when the People are Confronted by a Government Financial System that Crumbles before their eyes?

Congress has been out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The national debt keeps growing reaching around $23 trillion, yet Congress as an institution points fingers across the aisle toward the other party to always find a scapegoat. Both parties share the blame and neither party is ever interested in even discussing the problem no less […]

Central Bank Crisis Report

This special report is a detailed review of the greatest crisis facing us - that of the collapse of central banks. Europe moved to negative rates back in 2014. They have been unable to raise rates and there is now about $12 trillion in negative bonds. With the Federal Reserve now moving to zero, they too are undermining the world economy. The Keynesian Model which is based on the Quantity Theory of Money has stood behind central bank policies and the theories of the goldbugs who always tout the death of the dollar. The champion of that view was Bridgewater whose founder Ray Dalio just proclaimed that "cash was trash" at the January World Economic Forum. So many people tout gold but fail to look around the world at what is the brewing crisis.

First, we must crash and burn. That will only push the dollar higher. The Federal Reserve has now cut rates to zero and it will risk the realization that it cannot prevent the economic decline. When people realize that the Fed is also incapable of managing the economy, this is when the crisis begins. Welcome to the Central Bank Crisis which is the start of everything and will dwarf everything else for we are looking at the end of Keynesian Economics.


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Once your order is placed, the report will be available for download via the confirmation page. Additionally, you will receive an order confirmation email that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind that this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

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For serious inquiries, please contact us at

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