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Europe – Here we GO Again

The European economic crisis just keeps getting worse. The European Commission is now planning to pool all money for bank bailouts among nations. That means the funds set aside in Germany to weather German bank failures can be used in France. Meanwhile, the EU is preparing to relax the stability policy (austerity) because of refugees and terror. This emergency […]

Schäuble Said Refuge Crisis Will Not Destroy Europe

  Schäuble has said that the refugee crisis will not destroy Europe and it will proceed. This illustrates our crisis with career politicians. He MUST take this position or he must admit the politicians are wrong. Now that can never happen.

Finland Referendum Forces Debate on Euro Exit

Even traditional economists are now waking up to the downside of the euro. The euro was supposed to promote European harmony by eliminating costly currency conversion fees, but the real cost has been this crazy idea that the federalization of Europe would prevent war. As a result, Finland is now seen to be in a perpetual […]

Is Europe Slipping into Diversions?

A bomb scare in Hannover canceled a game between Netherlands & Germany. Merkel was supposed to be there. We may see Europe slip into a paranoid state of affairs that those in government will use to (1) grab more power, and (2) distract people from the economic crisis.

Polish Elections Voted Anti-Euro on Sunday

I reported from Poland that the rising trend there was anti-euro, which has manifested into an anti-immigrant movement. I will be there next March once again. Nevertheless, Poland’s eurosceptic and anti-immigration Law and Justice Party (PiS) claimed a major victory on Sunday. The politicians in Brussels only see their power and Merkel is attempting to demand quotas for all […]

Refugee Nightmare Brewing in Europe

In the Austrian town of Reichenfels in Carinthia, the refugees have protested and their abuse of water has led to rationing water for the entire town. The refugee crisis is brewing and it is not going to go very well when winter comes in. In Dresden, there is no space left and the government has said that […]

Politics: Trends Begin in Europe Like Fashion

  The major underlying trend worldwide is (1) whoever was in is now out, and (2) people will always turn against immigrants when the economy turns south. In Switzerland, we saw a turn to the right away from immigration. This will be the trend to emerge throughout Europe, especially in Germany. Canada turned left against […]

European High Court Upholds Digital Privacy

The European Court of Justice struck down the treaty that allowed U.S. companies to send data on Europeans to America, reported the Telegraph. Facebook, Google, and many other U.S. companies can now be barred from transferring private information to the U.S. if it concerns European citizens. The high court has struck down a 15-year-old data […]

Deutsche Bank to Post 6.2 Billion Euro Loss for 3rd Quarter

Deutsche Bank warns investors it will post nearly a $7 billion loss for the 3rd quarter alone. This is a staggering loss on a quarterly basis.

Hamburg Is First European City to Authorize the Seizure of Private Vacant Buildings to House Migrants

In response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide temporary housing for refugees. The law will go into effect next and will last until March 2017. Despite the additional measures, many refugees will die of exposure […]