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Can Cryptocurrencies Survive in an Authoritarian World?

QUESTION: Thanks for all the great information you share. I have a question regarding cryptocurrencies. Do you think all countries will try to abolish crypto or only certain countries (such as the US) in favor of a central bank digital currency? As of now, many countries appear much more accepting of crypto than the US. […]

Finestein Shows She Cannot Make Decisions – California’s Finest?

  It was Finestine who called Edward Snowden a Traitor. ANYONE who called Snowden a Traitor is not worthy of being even a dogcatcher.

Crickets For Protein

  According to World Wild Life, they claim that the production of beef effects “climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gasses such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Research shows that ruminant livestock account for between 7% and 18% of global methane emissions from human related activities.” In February of this year, the […]

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took […]

Silos Destroyed in Kiev – False Flag Comes to Fruition

I reported in June that the Ukrainians would claim Russia had targeted their wheat silos, and it all comes back to the Ukraine Reconstruction fund by JPMorgan Chase and BlackRock. BlackRock had a tape leaked of a recruiter discussing Russia blowing up Ukrainian wheat silos, causing wheat prices to skyrocket due to shortages. The employee […]

Noble Scientist says Climate Change is a Hoax

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise. There is absolutely NOTHING that can ever be reduced to a single cause and effect […]

The John McCain Memorial in Vietnam is Not a Tribute

The topic of the John McCain memorial in Vietnam came up recently. Biden was friends with top neocon John McCain, and even eulogized at his funeral. Kamala Harris concluded her 2021 trip to Vietnam by visiting the Hanoi memorial site where John McCain’s plane was shot down in 1967. He was held as a prisoner […]

Open Borders, Chaos & Violence

I have traded head-to-head with Soros. Many believe that he was also behind getting me imprisoned after his attempt to trade against the Japanese yen in 1999. I defeated and warned all my clients at our March 1999 Tokyo conference how to defeat Soros and the other bankers who were trying to exploit the Japanese […]

US Sending Most Deadly of All Weapons to Ukraine That Kills More Civilian Than Soldiers

Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers and are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory. More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty banning the weapons, which typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or […]

Gold Back Currency Reality

QUESTION: Do you think the BRICS would create a gold-back currency as proposed by Russia? SJ ANSWER: The Neocon has directed the Biden administration to remove Russia from SWIFT. Their single-minded goal is destroying the world economy, but they do not care. They think they will conquer Russia and China and dominate the world so […]