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Trudeau Backs Down After Banks Scream about Massive Withdrawals

Based upon reliable sources, Trudeau has been forced to abandon his Emergency Act as a staggering amount of money has fled Canadian banks. Canadians have moved accounts to the United States by the tens of thousands following Trudeau’s freezing bank accounts without a court order which has even included credit cards. Canadians began withdrawing all […]

Russia Remains Unbothered by Threats of Sanctions

Viktor Tatarintsev, ​Russia’s ambassador to Sweden, has said that Russia is not worried about sanctions. “Excuse my language, but we don’t give a s–t about all their sanctions,” he told reporters. We have already had so many sanctions and in that sense they’ve had a positive effect on our economy and agriculture.” In fact, he […]

The Flight from Government – Public to Private

The annual New York Coin show auctions set some unbelievable records this year. This beautiful Dekadrachm of Syracuse which last year would have sold for $50,000, brought $132,000. Another Dekadrachm signed by the artist Kimon estimated at $60,000 sold for $252,000. Granted, this was a famous coin that was part of the J.P. Morgan collection […]

The Catacomb Pact – Pope Francis & Schwab

QUESTION: I found your comment on Pope Francis not being the “Peter the Roman” who is supposed to be the last Pope before the destruction of Rome. As you know, the text of Malachy came to light in 1595, in a book by Benedictine monk Arnold de Wyon. Malachy is said to have experienced a […]

Has George Soros Lost His Mind?

I warned that 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. It has been declining ever since. But this also marked the political shift where Donald Trump was the first non-politician to be elected president, which was right on target with our model that was 31.4 years from the start of this major wave 1985.65, […]

Facebook Crisis

  Here is a video of Senator Ed Markley calling out Mark Zuckerberg after the damning whistleblower testimony. Perhaps at last we may begin to see some action of breaking up Zuckerberg’s toy. The seven-hour blackout of Facebook raises another problem entirely. Zuckerberg claimed that the issue was an internal technical problem rather than a […]

Japan’s Political Crisis on Target

Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has announced he will resign at the end of September making this month indeed a political turning point worldwide in addition to Biden’s disastrous performance as president. Suga is perhaps the first head of state to resign because of his handling of the pandemic.  Tokyo will still be in sync […]

Biden Tried to Hide the Failure of the US in Afghanistan

Biden put pressure on the President of Afghanistan not to tell the world that the Taliban were winning to create the “perception” that the Taliban weren’t winning, “whether it’s true or not.” A transcript of the phone call exposes the lies of the White House that they did not know what was happening. They knew, […]

DEEP STATE v White House

People care more about the TV show Jeopardy and the qualifications to be a simple TV host than they do about the qualification to be President of the United States. Kamala Harris is collapsing in the polls and now the majority of people do not see her as qualified for anything. Now 55% of voters […]

The 2022 Elections

  In the USA, there are two upcoming regularly scheduled elections for governor where the Democrats may lose. In New Jersey, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is seeking a second term, and in Virginia, Democrat Ralph Northam faces the state’s unique one-consecutive-term limit on governors. Then there is yet a third race in California, which is […]