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XRP & the Rise of Barter

QUESTION: Martin, I wonder if you can comment on the potential of the swift system being replaced by Ripple lab’s XRP as a bridging currency between currency pairs making use of their patented “On-Demand Liquidity” system. If this is the case then it would appear the USD is set to be replaced as the world reserve currency […]

Our Legal System is Pro-Tyranny

In the Netherlands, a court in The Hague has told the Dutch government that an overnight curfew to reduce the spread of coronavirus should be lifted, ruling that it breaches the right to free movement. There are other courts striking down what many governments have done to the people, society, and the economy. In the […]

Was Trump the Right Person?

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is the right person to lead the charge against the swamp? FM ANSWER: The one qualification Trump had was a thick skin. They have so attacked him from every possible angle it is hard to separate the real issues from Trump the person. So if Trump tried to run again, […]

Unemployment & Velocity

  The Democrats are really destroying jobs and the economy in order to bring about Biden’s Build Back Better agenda created by Klau Schwab. They are deliberately trying to destroy jobs that they think threaten the environment which will result also in higher heating bills for people in the very northern states that are so […]

Market Talk – February 10, 2021

ASIA: China’s factory gate prices rose in annual terms in January for the first time in a year, as months of strong manufacturing growth in the world’s second-largest economy pushed raw material costs higher, Reuters reported. China’s the national Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said in a statement the producer price index (PPI) rose 0.3% from […]

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all promoting the virus to impose an authoritarian socialist regime over the entire world conspiring against democracy and human rights, which include freedom of speech, people are starting to fight back. Many […]

Jason Kennedy is Defending Career Politicians v His Own People

Jason Kenney takes on COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Facebook ‘rant’ Jason Kennedy, the Premier of Alberta, Canada, has just totally reversed himself in what is being called a “rant” and has aligned himself with career politicians who do not represent the people or the future of Alberta. Previously, he admitted that the Great Reset was […]

New York Times Called for “Reality Czar” to Imprison Anyone they Claim is Stating Fake News?

The New York Times has called on President Biden to create a “Reality Czar” to shut down all dissent, which they immediately label conspiracy theories without any real investigation. In 1924, the New York Times was pushing that we were heading into a new Ice Age. Was that disinformation? CNN has called on cable companies […]

Resistance is Not Futile

  In Bavaria, people have staged a massive protest against the draconian actions of Merkel which is really intent upon destroying the economy all for Laus Schwab’s Build Back Better campaign supported by Bill Gates and George Soros.     In Scotland, a woman with a store on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and was […]

Questions from Around the World

QUESTION #1: Hello Mr Armstrong, Thank you so much for the heads up regarding the elimination of paper cash. Regarding the US things are clear and so we’ll have to wait and will soon see what happens. Could you elaborate on the elimination of paper regarding the EU and UK? What is the timeframe? What […]