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Trump v Apple

I believe that Donald Trump is way off base here because he is not a programmer. If Apple creates a backdoor for the FBI in its phones then hackers will also find that back door and all security will be lost. I applaud Apple to standing up to the government. They are a bunch of pinheads […]

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social issues to get everyone wound-up, but when it comes to economics; well there is no real difference. Neither side will reform or downsize government. Their solution will […]

Trump’s Reading of the Snake is Going Viral in Europe  

South Carolina: Apple & Donald Trump

  Trump took South Carolina with less than 40%. Bush just has the wrong name and should give up. The real reasons to worry are Cruz and Rubio, as both would differ little from electing Hillary. Nothing would pass their desks on taxes that they would not sign next year. So we are in a […]

Rubio — the Trump Slayer

The real winner of the Iowa caucus was Marco Rubio (born May 28, 1971), the junior United States Senator from the state of Florida who has served since January 2011. He is the establishment’s pick since they do not like Cruz and loath Trump. Rubio is a Cuban American from Miami, so he is expected to gather the Spanish vote. Rubio is, […]

Fox News vs Trump: In a Court of Law, Kelly Would Be Disqualified If She Were a Judge

Megyn Kelly’s inappropriate statements to Trump when she was supposed to be an impartial moderator demonstrated that she should, by no means, ever moderate another debate. On this score, Trump is absolutely correct. Yet, it has gotten far worse. Fox News has revealed that it is really biased and should be disqualified from running any debate. […]

The Establishment Is Beside Itself Over Trump

Next week can be a real watershed event. If Trump beats Cruz in Iowa, look out! Iowa is the heart of the Evangelical community, and if Cruz cannot win there then he will most likely not win the election. The establishment Republicans are really out to defeat Trump for their worst fears may happen — […]

Trump vs. Cruz & Goldman Sachs

They are now playing “Born in the USA” at Trump rallies to distinguish him from Cruz who was born in Canada. The real issue that Cruz will not address head-on is the revelation in the New York Times that Cruz failed to properly disclose large loans he received during his senate campaign. Trump brought up the issue, but in a […]

Trump & Taxation

On his website, Donald Trump’s tax plan still maintains the income tax while making it lower and simpler. All I can say is that I hope Trump remains open minded as a businessman rather than a politician. He should immediately recognize the tremendous advantage of being the first to eliminate the Marxist era income tax […]

Trump Keeps Upsetting the Political Elite