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Can Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum Ever Be Trusted?

COMMENT: Marty, The Eugenicists/bioethicists/climate change/population reduction activists just won’t quit. The Actors of today are continuing the great work started long ago by their predecessors. They are allowed to practice their religion, while any religion that directly challenges and undermines their authority is now being shutdown along with any business that can compete with theirs. […]

Why MMT is Governments’ Option of Choice

We have reached the point of no return. Governments will find it IMPOSSIBLE to constantly roll their national debts as we enter 2021. Any attempt at paying down the public debt or moving into surplus would be catastrophic and undermine the entire world economy. Who are we kidding? The tax burden on each generation will […]

Black Death Plague Returning in Asia

I have explained that Socrates shows that this coronavirus is nonsense. The risk of a more serious disease comes in 2022. There are three new diseases forming in Asia. First, there is a new coronavirus that causes pneumonia, which is far more lethal than this concocted version that appears to have been manufactured to set […]

They are Deliberately Trying to Bankrupt Businesses To Recreate A Marxist World

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Most provinces (including the touristic Balearic islands) have now mandated mask use even if you’re in the woods or park or in a totally deserted street or village – i.e. in all public spaces even if there are no people around at all. (In 40C heat.) 45,000 regime goons (aka cops) are […]

Socrates & its Forecast of Shortages in Food for this 8.6-Year Wave

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am beyond impressed with the forecast your computer puts out. More than a year in advance you forecast that this wave would be inflationary but due to shortages in food. I do not know how it makes such an interesting forecast, but nobody out there can even come close which […]

Florida & New Record in COVID Tests?

The Coronavirus nonsense is just unbelievable. Reuters is reporting that Florida is off the charts with 15,000 new cases in a day. Florida reported a record amount of testing, with just about 143,000 results compared with an average of 68,000 for the prior seven days. Of that, they claim that 15,000 people tested positive and […]


In Europe, several places (cities and entire regions within a number of countries) have already locked down for a second time, and many others have returned to stricter rules (masks, quarantines and forced testing when coming from abroad, etc) barely a couple of weeks after having relaxed those rules a bit. They are deliberately shutting […]

World Economy Preparing for Collapse

The world has changed dramatically in the course of this orchestrated and intended collapse of the global economy in order to launch this Great Reset. In the course of several months, we have watched a deliberate economic disaster under the pretense of this coronavirus pandemic. While the main objective of one group has been the […]

More than 20% of Businesses in Germany Fear Their Future Survival

The economic damage due to this fake coronavirus pandemic that has been touted as if it were the black plague is massive. In Germany, 21% of existing companies fear they will not survive. The total damage that has been unleashed upon the world economy is beyond stupid if it were truly a mistake, but it […]

Did Roosevelt Adopt the Soviet Model in 1934?

QUESTION: Marty, a friend attended one of your conferences back in 1987 and you compared the Soviet and Roosevelt monetary systems. I searched your site to see if I could find that without success. Can you detail that subject again? Thank you PN ANSWER: Those in power right now are ACTUALLY looking at Soviet Russia’s economic […]