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The Press Makes the News – They No longer Report It – A Sign of the End of Political Times

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong – On 08/23 you wrote a blog entry that seems to espouse two incongruous claims: (1) That the press has distorted & propagandized its news reporting so egregiously now that the American people give little credence to what it tells them (as evidenced by the Gallup polls results you showed), and (2) […]

Sociopathy & Politics

COMMENT: What you discuss in “Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf” and “Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win” are the ice people described in “The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.” These are people with no conscience. Because your blog reminded me of the book, I am re-reading it. As the author says: “Sociopathy is […]

Is it the Elections or Interest Rates?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thanks for the continuous enlightening blogs about increasing interest rates and its effects on EM’s and others. Today on Bloomberg , they were discussing that the earlier 60:40 Equity bond correlation is breaking down and now it’s 100:0 i.e. both go up and down together. If I understand your view correctly , the […]

Threats of Violence Against Candidates Rising

I have been warning that the one thing our computer is projecting on all election fronts around the world is that we will see rising violence and we should expect that voting will be rigged. Canada has already put out a warning that they are witnessing threats of violence against candidates as reported in the National Post. […]

Egyptian Economist Arrested for Criticizing Government

  The Egyptian Economist, Abdel Khalik Farouk, is the author of more than 20 books on corruption in the Egyptian economy. His latest book, Is Egypt really poor?  was confiscated by Egyptian authorities last week on the day of publication. The owner of the printing house, Ibrahim El Khatib, was also arrested. Farouk has set out that the corruption […]

Is Goldman Sachs Banning Staff From Donating to Republicans Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the Democrats are raising far more money from the various big Super-Pacs to take back the Congress. The talk is the New York bankers are telling staff not to donate to Republicans. Do you know if this is true? SH ANSWER: The 2016 Presidential Election was a monumental game changer. Trump did not […]

Will Elections ever be Valid Any More?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that you believe Kennedy was assassinated by the US Intelligence community. Given all this stuff with Comey, FBI, CIA, and NSA all conspiring against Trump, do you think that the real risk of interfering with our elections is not the Russians but closer to home? Is this a practice that […]

Was McCain Institute the Same Deal as Clinton Foundation?

COMMENT: The view of John McCain from outside the United States is completely opposite of how the American press portrays him. I even heard like Hillary, he too had a foundation that people had to donate to for him to sponsor certain bills. HJ REPLY: Oh yes, there is no question that the press outside […]

Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf

The rising hatred between Democrats and Republicans over Trump has sent chills up my spine for it is so reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, from which a read renders one departing with a sense of real devout hatred. I have always read the works of such people like Hitler and Marx, because it is important to […]

Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have heard people say that the Russian sanctions were intended to overthrow Putin. Is it true that the Neocons believe that Russia will collapse and they will then walk in and take control of all their nukes? PV ANSWER: Believe it or not, the answer is YES!!!!! These people are HIGHLY […]