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Europe’s Migrant Crisis

Question: What is your analysis of the recent migrant crisis in the the Middle East and Europe? Is this the death knell for European Civilization demographically, socially and politically? To me it appears to have parallels to the 3rd and 4th Century Roman Empire when tribes like the Goths first came as migrants fleeing the Huns and ended up […]

Father of Euro Warns of Brussels & Death of Democracy

The man whose idea gave life to the euro, Professor Otmar Issing, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal level before a full political union has been established on democratic foundations. This is the problem with his idea. He only saw that the dollar was the strength of the USA […]

Dow in Euros

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Munich, you said the US share market had peaked in euros and the low looked to be in August. Is that view still on track? WG ANSWER: Yes. When you plot the Dow in euros, the high was March, not May, as it was in dollars. This suggested that August would […]

Schäuble wants Brussels to Tax Directly – Good Night Europe

German Federal Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, envisions that the Euroland has to assume control to relieve the local politicians of the need to raise taxes further. Apparently, Wolfgang Schäuble plans for a euro tax and German money would then flow directly to Brussels. The more Euroland fails, the more power they take in an attempt […]

EU Council President Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

Polish EU Council President, Donald Tusk, was shocked by the fierce debate over the Greek bailout in the EU Parliament. He told the FT: “It was the first time that I have seen radical with such emotions. It was almost half the European Parliament. Therefore, I believe that no one is a political winner in this process, not even […]

France Calls for the Federalization of Europe

History repeats because human nature never differs. I have warned that Albert Einstein was correct: you can NEVER solve a problem with the same line of thing that created the crisis. NEVER has anyone in power EVER concluded that they are the cause of a crisis – it is always someone else. They were the same people in school who […]

Farage on Europe at the Heritage Foundation

Nigel Farage may be the only practical politician these days because he came from the trading sector. He explains the Euro-Project and its failures. He makes it clear that the Greek people never voted to enter the euro, and explains that it was forced upon them by Goldman Sachs and their politicians. Nigel also explains […]

Goldman Sachs to Be Sued for Hiding Greek Losses to Get in Euro?

An interesting development is allegedly emerging. There maybe a lawsuit brought against Goldman Sachs for structuring products that hid the debt of Greece to enable it to enter the Euroland political theme park and in the end, increased it. The rumors are starting to circulate behind the headlines. This could prove to be a very […]

DFT of Netherlands Poll: 60%+ of Dutch Want Out of Euro

The leaders of the EU are on a collision course with the population of Europe. This is now moving beyond Greece. Even in Northern Europe in Germany and the Netherlands, we are starting to see the majority of people wanting out of the euro – if they were allowed to vote. So wait until the […]

DAX: A View Into the Heart of Europe

In the DAX Cash, we did elect two Weekly Bearish Reversals from the high of the week of April 6. The next key area of support lies down at the 938000 level. Next week is a Directional Change so we could see a bounce back into the week of July 20. The critical support begin […]