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US Housing Prices Push Higher

  Fannie Mae admitted their forecast of declining home prices was incorrect. They initially projected that housing would fall by 1.2% in 2023, followed by 2.2% in 2024. Housing prices remain strong because this in an inventory crisis. There are 47% less available single-family houses on the market compared to the start of the COVID […]

BRICS to Replace the Dollar?

  The goldbugs cling to everything they can to promote gold at the destruction of the dollar. They are pushing the idea that China, Russia, and other BRICS countries are developing a dollar alternative. The truth of the matter is that is more fiction. Even India’s foreign minister S. Jaishankar came out and said, “There […]

Russia Accuses US of Preparing for Biowarfare via Mosquitos

This story seemed far-fetched when first public, but now we know the extent of Bill Gates’ plan to modify mosquitos. We have seen a resurgence of once dormant viruses at the precise time that Gates’ allowed Oxitec to release diseased mosquitoes into the environment. Russia has repeatedly said it has information that the US is […]

Are you Still Proud to be an American?

  Once upon a time, being an American and traveling overseas, you had this persona like some halo around your head, and you were actually proud to be an American. When my father took me to Europe for the summer in 1964, I had Kennedy half dollars. When people saw I had one, they would […]

Atrazine – “Turning the Frogs Gay?”

Another conspiracy theory debunked. Alex Jones warned us long ago the government “was making the frogs gay,” and he was correct, but his delivery did not go over well. Robert F. Kennedy brought up atrazine while on the Joe Rogan podcast and explained the very serious matter. Atrazine is a legal herbicide used to kill […]

The Neocons & Endless Wars & Endless Corruption   I reported that the Pentagon admits that “due to accounting errors,” they LOST $6.2 BILLION! This is nothing new. The Pentagon has NEVER passed even one audit. Money simply vanishes and is often used by the Neocons to undermine geopolitics to further their own agenda. Then there is the sheer price gouging that is mindblowing. There […]

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

Pentagon: $6.2 BILLION in Ukraine Aid Missing Due to Accounting Error

The nation was distracted by the 24/7 news coverage about the submarine that went missing while cruising around to see the Titanic. It seems that there is always a big news story put forth on days when undesirable information is released. We know the entire conflict in Ukraine was planned many years ago (see: “The […]

Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used […]

You Have No Idea – Thank Fake News

QUESTION: Hi, Russia seems so far to lose the war in Ukraine with relatively low tech weaponry. How do you see things turnaround according to Socrates? What cards do they have left? Russian Airforce has been rather inactive so far? Nukes? Scary and dangerous world with war mongers all over the political landscape. Best Regards, JH […]