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Judge Amero Dismisses Lawsuit Against Georgia Run-Off Elections

During a hearing, Georgia Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero rejected a lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of the state’s two Senate runoff elections in January, rejecting a case brought by a Fulton County resident. This is how judges refuse to do their job. They look for technicalities to dismiss actions they do not […]

When Inflation is really Deflation

QUESTION: Why is the Fed doing so much Reverse Repo? Do you think it will hit $2 trillion? JE ANSWER: I understand that people seem to be talking up the reverse repo activity as doom and gloom. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates and boosted the return to fight inflation. The reverse repo […]

Protestors Block the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

  Civil unrest is rising in Canada due to Trudeau’s tyranny. Transit between the border of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick was closed for nearly a day after the Nova Scotia government announced that those traveling from New Brunswick would be forced to self-quarantine upon arrival. The decision was announced only a day after Novia […]

The Hatred of our Way of Life

COMMENT: Hi Martin, A fundamental aspect of capitalism is the protection of property rights.  It appears that a part of the Marxist’s plan of attack is to kick the legs out from under capitalism.  Hence, the defunding of police.  If there is no protection then there are effectively no property rights. Eliminating police protection runs in […]

Human Nature Cycle

QUESTION: Good Morning, If we take the statement “History repeats because human nature never changes” it would suggest that the human nature cycle will never reverse. That in itself does not track. If everything is like a pendulum, shouldn’t it swing back around to where human nature can and will change? And a lesser 2nd […]

Mysterious Force of Synchronization

There is an enigmatic power which is the true Mysterious Force of Synchronization which exists in everything within the universe from electronics,  biology, all the way to planetary movement. This mysterious force is known to engineers and even the military. In 1831, there was a rather interesting collapse of the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, […]

What is 2032?

Many people have asked, “Why is 2032 going to be such a major change in the world’s political economy and society as a whole?” We are confronted by the end of the Sixth Wave come 2032, which will be a profound economic and political change. It appears these world leaders are pushing us toward fulfilling […]

The Fraud in Georgia

The Washington Post has been forced, no doubt begrudgingly, to print a retraction two months after they published a story that made it sound like Trump was trying to rig the election speaking to an elections investigator in Georgia. The Post reported in January that the then President had spoken to Frances Watson in December, […]

Welcome to the Wave of Inflation into 2024

We still see that this cycle into 2024 will be one of inflation. Our computer has projected that this inflationary cycle would be one based on shortages. True, that that $1.9 trillion bill is just a Democrat’s wish-list. The $1,400 checks are for about 100 million. The fact that 70% of Americans approve of this […]

Unemployment & Velocity

  The Democrats are really destroying jobs and the economy in order to bring about Biden’s Build Back Better agenda created by Klau Schwab. They are deliberately trying to destroy jobs that they think threaten the environment which will result also in higher heating bills for people in the very northern states that are so […]