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Collectibles Bull Market Exploding

  The collectible market has been exploding. The first vintage issue of “Batman #1” recently sold for more than $2.2 million at auction, breaking the record for the highest amount ever paid for a Batman comic book. Even ancient Athenian Owls we were selling from a hoard that at $1,000 have been bringing $2,000-$2,750 +20% […]

The Markets in Light of the Chaos

  When we look around the world the final say in every election is always the vote of capital – which is international rather than confined to local politics. Biden has already shut down the pipeline from Alberta which will only be symbolic for whatever substitute will mere be brought in by ship and pumped […]

The Two Worst States Are Running the Country?

  COMMENT:  I find it interesting how the two worse-run states in the country are the ones who lead Congress. This does not give me confidence in the future. EH REPLY: You have a point. They are the two states California and New York with the highest number of people fleeing, yet their representatives are […]

Complete Collapse in Economic Theories

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, the dollar’s performance bucks logic, especially with Federal Reserve officials spending all week to deny any speculation of a tapering soon in relief measures or an imminent hike in interest rates standing at near zero. But what made the whole thing even more bizarre was the dollar’s defiance of the rocketing U.S. […]

Now its Capital’s Turn to Vote

Many people have written in asking what is the future of the markets. While in any election, it is presumed that the right to vote belongs only to the citizens who are alive, there has always been a second vote. That second vote is carried out by international capital. As I have explained many times, […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2021

ASIA: Wall Street firms in Hong Kong including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan on Monday moved to reduce exposure to Chinese telecom companies named in a U.S. ban on investments in companies Washington considers linked to China’s military. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley said in filings to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong that they […]

2021 – The Choppiness Ahead

QUESTION #1: OK. Now what? The Democrats seem to be just vindictive and do not represent all the people. Any thoughts on the future? FC QUESTION #2:  Hello Martin. You and Socrates are the only sane people/AI in a totally insane world for the time being. Thanks for that. From a Swedish perspective, it is […]

Uprising Against BigTech?

Many are calling it the time to revolt against BigTech. Instead of using Google for searching, which is tracking everything you do, perhaps switch to DuckDuckGo. I would NOT post any personal information on Facebook. Just look at the agenda of the IMF — they will look at everything in the future which is why […]

Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone

    Google has just banned Parlar App and Apple has declared it will do the same giving them 24 hours. Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump shows that it is by no means a mere platform but is a political agenda in and of itself. Facebook has also banned Trump. For all the community guidelines […]

The Insurrection Part of the Plot

There may have been plants who deliberately instigated storming the Capitol Building just as others placed skids of bricks and broke windows to encourage the Black Live protests into looting. The object here is far deeper than the people the press is reporting. The Democrats are now calling this an “insurrection” and demanding that Pence […]