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Trump Highlights the Hypocrisy of HIllary

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton, who is championing the disarmament of America, by challenging her by saying bluntly that if guns do not keep people safe, then Hillary should travel without armed bodyguards to prove her position.

Is Trump's Ban on Islam a Normal Reaction?

Armstrong Economics/PEI has always been a very diverse company with clients and staff from all around the world. We have every race, religion, and social status among our ranks servicing clients of equal diversification. So, a ban on anyone from the Islamic faith entering the USA is not something I would support, obviously, and it […]

Marion Marechal-Le Pen: The Better Looking Donald Trump of France

When the New York Times first wrote that “[Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is] The French Weapon of Mass Distraction: France’s youngest member of Parliament is 25 and she takes no prisoners,” I seriously doubt they ever realized that she could actually become the president of a district in France. However, this stunningly beautiful and smart 26y-ear-old politician is more than […]

Trump – the Next President?

Donald Trump has surged to 36% in the polls, which is driving the political pundits crazy. After more than 30 years of dealing directly with politicians around the world, I must say one thing: politicians will NEVER admit a mistake. No matter what, they will always follow a single course simply because they declared that direction from […]

Economists say Trump is wrong

Yahoo is reporting that economists say Trump could not bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would take is a repeal of the income tax. Nearly half of the cost of labor is taxation.

Advice for Trump

QUESTION: What would you advise Trump if he asked? ANSWER: When I debated Steve Forbes and New Jersey Governor Jim Florio who lost because he kept raising taxes, I converted Florio. Steve took the Flat Tax and Florio was the “tax ‘em ‘til they die” Democrat; in the debate I disarmed Florio by pointing out that the […]

The Establishment Hates Trump and Are Desperate to Stop Him

The Republicans had a little focus group where they watched taped instances of Trump’s apparent misogyny, political flip-flops, and awe-inspiring braggadocio. They watched the Donald say Rosie O’Donnell has a “fat, ugly face”. They saw that Trump once supported a single-payer health system, and heard him say, “I will be the greatest president God ever created.” The […]

The Press’ Hatred of Trump

It is interesting to watch just how upset the press is about Donald Trump. The latest poll shows that 60% of the women in the Republican Party support Trump. The press is just beside themselves after Fox News’ Megyn Kelly tried so desperately to paint Trump as anti-women. That has come back to haunt her for the more the media […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, In your post today you mentioned Donald Trump would be the most qualified candidate to handle the sovereign debt crisis.  If I may ask, do you know Trump and do you think he would consider your solution for the coming crisis? Thanks for insight. JH ANSWER: No. I never advised Trump or […]

Trump – Paul – Debate

QUESTION: Marty; What did you think of Trump and Rand Paul in the debate? Thanks BP ANSWER: I felt Trump held his own. The moderators were biased and starting the pretend debate by asking who will pledge not to run independently illustrates that they were speaking as the party line rather than an as unbiased […]