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Will the Gov’t Close all Markets?

QUESTION: Marty, the government closed the New York Stock exchange in 1914 due to World War I. Do you think they will do that again? Looking forward to Orlando WH ANSWER: The closure of 1914 was not the only time they shut down markets. Even the London market was shut down during war. On June […]

Energy Ban Before There is an Alternative

A House committee last week advanced serious legislation to combat climate change. Biden already went to OPEC to ask them to increase production because gasoline prices have jumped. These people are hopeless. They are passing legislation for an agenda and cutting off the supply BEFORE there is a system with renewable energy, which is only […]

Democrats Violating Everyone’s Privacy

  The Democrats want the banks to turn over ALL information on everyone to the IRS. You no longer need to have an audit. They are simply adopting the idea of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to money they want to get their hands on. This is stage one, and as they move […]

Will Canada Ditch Trudeau to Save the Nation from WEF?

Maxime Bernier is a Canadian businessman, lawyer, and politician who served as a cabinet minister of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and as Member of Parliament for Beauce from 2006 to 2019. He is the founder and current leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). His platform is still within the current establishment of how […]

Market Talk – September 3, 2021

ASIA: BNP Paribas’ asset management arm is in talks to form a wealth management venture with a unit of Agricultural Bank of China (AgBank), as the French firm pursues a bigger slice of China’s $19 trillion market, Reuters reported. China further deregulated its financial markets in 2019, allowing foreign asset managers to form majority-owned wealth […]

Conspiracy Theories Coming True

COMMENT: Marty, your forecasts have been amazingly correct years in advance and then we get to watch other analysts coming in at the last minute to pretend they called it. You have always been in the mix and actually know all the people in all of these events since Long Term Capital Management. I have […]

Why I’m Optimistic About 2022

  I know it can get depressing. I really hate this nonsense. But when I look at the charts, all the markets are indicating that this merry band of Climate Change fanatics who has organized the biggest scam in human history over COVID to change the economy suggests that they will FAIL. Yes, there are […]

News from Sydney, Australia & Canada

COMMENT: Marty this a part of their plan right? Divide and conquer. What did this maniac expect Australia to do. Shoot the sick and burn their bodies? Can this get any more surreal? I live in Sydney and I can tell you the city is stuffed. Businesses are going belly uplift right and centre, theres […]

The Great Divide

The entire COVID agenda has been a pre-staged event; the real agenda has been climate change. Al Gore, who is on the board of the World Economic Forum, ushered in Green Peace’s Jennifer Morgan, who escorted Greta to the Davos meeting to appear in Schwab’s film the Forum, which was intended to push the climate […]

WEF Announced They Won

  Those who fail to see the truth and constantly call anyone who is anti-mask a conspiracy theorist when all studies show they are “useless” are in serious trouble. They are blind to reality which is precisely what those manipulating societies count on. They are the perfect example of Stanley Milgram’s experiments that discovered they […]