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The Dow Positioning Itself to Breakout in 2016?

The Dow has been electing Daily Bullish Reversals since the start of October. Given the fact that the DAX did break last year’s low on the ECM target and turned up, we may be looking at the breakout to the upside next year for the phase transition. Our original forecast for the peak in share […]

The Dow & the Future

Yes, there were ONLY two possible patterns (instead of countless): (1) the slingshot where you penetrate the previous year’s low and then blast to new highs, or (2) you base until the Gold Benchmarks and then enter the Phase Transition. Either way, new highs were ahead. There was no indication of a crash to some 50% to 90% […]

Dow Closing for October 2015

The Dow closed neutral on our indicators for the month-end of October. We have held support below and bumping against resistance. There are only two possible patterns: (1) a slingshot move that penetrates last year’s low and swings to new highs in a blast to the upside, or (2) we simply base and then enter […]

Dow for the Close – Oct. 16, 2015

The Dow held the 15500 number on the Weekly level and then held 16280 level. Our models warn that a slingshot becomes possible taking out the August low. On the upside, we still have the major resistance at 17760 and it will take a weekly closing above that level to suggest a breakout back to […]

The Dow Rally & the ECM

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been in the industry for more than 30 years. There is nobody who has called the shots better than you and your numbers are absolutely amazing. You said the ECM should make at least a temporary low in the Dow and that it did. It bottomed the day before which […]

Dow/Gold Ratio

A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry, there is no way. In 1980 when gold was at $875 and the Dow was at 1,000, it was the end of a Public Wave […]

Copyright Laws to Shut Down Websites

During an interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones, Matt Drudge said that “I had a Supreme Court Justice say to me it’s over”. Drudge said the court had enough votes to shut down websites offering news, which would make it illegal to even link to someone else’s stories. This, of course, is the fundamental foundation of […]

Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to have models that pinpoint dates like October 7th and claim they are using the K-Wave to cover up their theft. Still they fail to understand what you […]

The Dow & the Computer

The Global Market Watch picked the May high and the August 24 low in the U.S. share market. It is warning that we may have a temporary high in 2015. If we penetrate the August 24 low, then we may indeed fall to the 13000-14000 area leading to a slingshot move back to new highs. […]

France’s Credit Rating Cut – Another Country Downgraded

“The Forecaster” (l’Oracle) made national TV in France and was played when Finance Minister Michel Sapin appeared on air. The host asked Sapin directly about the business cycle. While Sapin claimed nobody can forecast, he then proceeded to forecast that the French economy would boom next year, posting a 1.5% growth rate. Now Moody’s downgraded […]