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Retail Sales Declining – Hello European Deflation

Governments are pretty much brain-dead in their vain attempts to manipulate the economy. They think that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the economy and cause people to borrow. That has never worked because people respond to the trend and function in anticipation. The root driving force is rather straight forward. Why is there an inflationary […]

Europe Explained at Last

  Europe Explained – a Good Laugh

Pound v Euro – Should Britain Just Leave? Is the Euro a Doomed Currency?

The European Union will hit Britain with punitive fines of £90 million next year if David Cameron refuses to pay a £1.7 billion bill from Brussels. If Cameron has any guts, he will lead Britain out of the EU before it is too late – that’s what Maggie Thatcher would do. Maggie warned that the danger of […]

Greek Bonds Get Smashed – Prelude to the Euro Crisis?

Greek bonds were being sold again sharply today. The 10 year bond spreads to Germany are wider by 60 BP on the day! Rumors are always floating around and maybe we should just expect more intraday volatility; especially given that the chasing opposition SYRIZA party have been gaining steadily in recent polls! Brussels will only […]

The Coming Cold Winter for Europe

Even Merkel has hinted that there could be a problem with heat this winter given the problem with Russia. As winter approaches, the former Soviet satellite nations are all watching Russia and Ukraine’s stalled gas negotiations with growing real fear. Much of the former Communist regions still have antique energy systems that are centralize. Houses […]


The assumption of the hyperinflationists has been that governments will just print to meet their obligations. That theory is based upon revolutionary government who CANNOT SELL debt to anyone. In the case of the West, we issue debt and because of that, the first effort is to meet the demands of bond-holders. That is only […]

Why Goldman Sachs & Blackstone Are Becoming So Hated in Europe

Goldman Sachs and Blackstone are private equity investors buying up rental property in Madrid. About 13,000 household were told their rents would not increase. Now in a down market, when their renewals come due. they are told their rents will rise sharply or get out. Now a judge will decide who, if anyone, is to blame. […]

The IMF & ECB Cannot Prevent the Euro Crisis – Welcome the Pandemic of Uncertainty = High Volatility

So far the Dow has held the previous day’s low and a higher close today will still point to a bounce into tomorrow, However, we are in the midst of a Pandemic of Uncertainty. This is becoming critical in Europe. While I am enjoying the weather here in Germany, the atmosphere is clearly uncertain spawning […]

Italians Demanding Referendum on Euro – Only the People Can Save Europe

As Julius Caesar said: the die is cast. He also said I came, I saw, I conquered (Veni Vidi Vici). The entire idea of the Euro is a total disaster. This is now about a dictatorship in Brussels that has built a political infrastructure which will promote civil war in Europe – not peace and […]

Europe’s Answer to Reform – More of the Same

Jean-Claude Juncker won the support of Europe’s lawmakers to become European Commission president, despite the opposition from Britain. It was clearly a slap in the face to Britain and it is highly doubtful that his leadership will be able to patch up relations with the U.K.. Juncker, a former Luxembourg prime minister and will now […]