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2017 is Looking More Optimistic Than Ever

The only thing about international trade is that someone cannot have a trade surplus without another experiencing a trade deficit. We all cannot have trade surpluses simultaneously and we have to begin understanding this reality. The net capital movements around the world are showing clear signs that things will be intensifying and the net capital […]

A Light Has Gone Off

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for you have been correct on every market demonstrating that everything is explicitly connected. What you have taught me is more than just trading a single market to make money. You have taught me how to see the world and connect the dots. I can see the […]

Could AI Become Predictable?

QUESTION: Marty, It occurs to me that some of the most persuasive individuals of history (good or bad) have been so effective because they possessed a keen understanding of Human Nature allowing them to predict the response of their audience, and in turn, coerce them toward a desired action.  The question I would like your thoughts […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

Do People Hear Only What They Want to Hear?

QUESTION: You always say the markets cannot be manipulated. Deutsche Bank is turning over the smoking gun. Any comment? ANSWER: It seems you are using the term “manipulation” extremely loosely. You are mixing this term up with collusion and coordination, yes with the intent to “move” a market within the immediate trend which is not […]

The Power to Manipulate is a Delusion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, every day I read your blog. Today was about All Roads Lead to the Dollar and manipulation: First you say that the system cannot be manipulated: (“the system, which is crumbling before our eyes, cannot be manipulated. This is why BREXIT, Trump, and now Hollande in France are stepping out and Italy […]

Was Our System the Only One Correct or Were They Falsifying the Polls?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I was told by a friend that you forecast BREXIT and Trump and was the only one in the world to do so. I’ve been fascinated reading your site, particularly your discussion of Trump’s likelihood of winning when the polls and people gave him little chance. Can you possibly explain just how […]

Market Talk – November 16, 2016

Again, we saw good performance from the Nikkei but with the currency attempting the 110 handle having a neutral ling affect. The index closed up over 1% on the day and was helped by the renewed OPEC rumour of potential output cuts. Other Asian exchanges were equally better bid but could not sustain their performance […]

The Black Box?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it has become expressly clear that you have created a model which beats everything out there. Your forecasts on gold that it would rally up to 1362 and then crash was impressive as was your call for new highs in the Dow back in 2011. Nevertheless, these forecasts pale in comparison to your […]

Market Talk – November 7, 2016

Markets were dominated by the overnight news that the FBI would be taking no action over the newly uncovered Hilary Clinton emails! As soon as the news broke we saw positive price action for most core indices (cash and futures) with a decent bounce in the US Dollar whilst last weeks safe-haven bids (precious metals […]