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War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

War & Markets – The Pre-Russian Revolution

  QUESTION: Marty; You so casually mentioned that Britain closed the share market during World War I and that such a risk exists in Europe. Can you elaborate on this at all? Thank you for all you contribute to society OD ANSWER: The entire period leading into World War I was a period of extreme socialism. […]

Has the ECB Been Manipulating the Euro?

There have been persistent rumblings behind the curtain that the ECB has been “frowning” on anyone taking short positions on the Euro. They have already outlawed shorting government bonds and they are trying to wrestle the market in the Euro from London to bring it within their power and control. Up until now, they have […]

Market Talk- April 10, 2018

Todays comments from China president, Xi Jinping that China was willing to open its markets, soon lent equities a helping hand. From a lower core opening, it was not long before all started to move from strength to strength. Shanghai and the Hang Seng reacted most to the speech and saw returns of around 1.75% […]

The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. You have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even […]

Currency Based v Credit Based Monetary System

Economic Theory QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong. Impressive work you do. I have followed you closely since I watch your documentary and your predictions have mostly been spot on. I was wondering if you perhaps could share some thoughts on the increasing US budget deficit while employment etc is at multi-year low. This is rare and […]

Great Alignment – Metals – Shares – Tangible Assets

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I notice that the gold market and the Dow Jones they both had a high in January and since then they have been treading water, are these markets getting in sync or is just a coincidence. Also when it comes to the markets you have explained that we will always see the […]

Germany Arrests Former Head of Catalonia for Spain Confirm the Spanish Constitution Violates Human Rights

One day soon, the world will suddenly discover that the European Project is authoritarian because they believe the people are stupid and politicians know better. When that day dawns, the crisis in Europe will erupt in total shock and this will undermine the entire economy which has rapidly fallen to even behind China. At the […]

Proposed Monetary Reform in Switzerland would Destroy the Country

In Switzerland, we have the perfect example of the old saying – a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. We have activists who are clearly living in a world they comprehend no less than the financial system. These people have managed to get a referendum on changing in the financial system with the same promises of […]

Direct Democracy – Is it Possible?

  The advancement in technology today certainly allows us to scrap the Republican form of government with pretend representation of the people by career politicians. There is no reason we cannot vote from home on every bill and that no bill may be merged with any other subject matter. There should be no sneaking spending for […]