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Who Prints Euro Notes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Who prints euro notes? Could Greece just flood the market is euro banknotes? Thanks you for your guidance PK REPLY: Legally, both the European Central Bank and the National Central Banks (NCBs) of the Eurozone countries have the right to issue the seven different euro banknotes. In practice, only the NCBs of the zone physically […]

Greece & Brussels’ Quest to Dominate Europe

QUESTION: Marty, I want to say congratulations. You stood up there in Berlin in 2012 and said the Euro-Swiss peg would break and that Greece would ultimately leave the euro. I can’t wait for this year’s Berlin conference. Wonder if the central bank of _________ will attend again? I suspect that Brussels will not back […]

There is No Hope of Stopping the Crisis in Europe

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; A friend works for a ….. Hedge Fund. He said you could put together a team to save Europe. Would you take up such a challenge? Thank you for telling it the way it is. OD ANSWER: In theory, yes, we could put together a team of people from the real world to […]

Greek Pro-Euro Protesters Are Just out of Their Minds

They interviewed the “YES” protesters (yes, stay in the euro) and the response was totally off the wall. A woman responds that she knows 95% of Greeks will be hurt, but: “It’s only in the European Union that legal democratic processes are guaranteed.” This is the downside of democracy for stupid people who believe propaganda […]

Europe’s Lack of Integration v USA Discrimination

There is little doubt that Europe is moving into what Jefferson described as the third phase of government: Force. The federalization of Europe is now the number one agenda to project the jobs in Brussels. There is no such thing as “European”. If you ask anyone in Europe what they are, they will NEVER respond “European”. Instead […]

Failed Dreams & Destroying Europe

The whole idea of a one world government that began in Europe with the Treaty of Rome was based upon the idea inside Europe that a single government would end war. They never considered that there are two sides to that coin ­– international war and internal war – that we call revolution. As Thomas […]

Is There a Shortage of Gold in Europe? Will It Be Confiscated?

Some people have misread my posting on an observation in Spain. The retail sale of gold coins was virtually nonexistent in Spain. This is not a shortage of gold. In Italy, bullion coins were being sold in stores. It is France that is after gold coins, demanding no cash sales and reporting on buyers and […]

European High Court Rejects German High Court On ECB

The European Central Bank (ECB) may buy government bonds of member states to rescue the euro, according to the European High Court. This is in direct contrast to the German Constitutional Court, which rules that it violated German sovereignty. “The program does not exceed the monetary powers of the ECB and is not contrary to the prohibition of […]

“The Forecaster” Playing on European International Flights to USA

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Today I went by plane from Vienna to New York with Austrian Airlines. Also Austrian Airlines are showing “The Forecaster“. This is even more interesting because the Austrian cinemas (like in Switzerland) are not showing the film, therefore I suppose also the possibility of the VOD screening in Austria. I took the […]

Brussels to Take Over Tax Collection in Europe – End of Democracy

Germany and France have called for the establishment of a central EU authority for the eurozone to raise taxes independently. This plan is part of a package of proposals for far-reaching integration of the single currency zone: the federalization of Europe. Currently, only national governments may levy taxes. This is part of the step to save […]