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Platinum at 10-Year Lows

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done a fantastic job on platinum. It is just so refreshing to have an analysis that is not biased and always saying buy. It looks like platinum is just a precursor to gold. There is an oversupply and with South Africa in turmoil politically on top of its currency in the […]

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

  The story running around on news tells the tale of an individual who legally sold large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit found that Clydesdale Bank decided to freeze all assets involving people who had been involved in cryptocurrencies. The man had no criminal convictions and had always complied with British laws on […]

Girl Sold into Slavery by ISIS Meets Her ISIS Captor on Street in Germany as Refugee

Europe has just lost its mind over the Refugee Crisis because it reveals how the politicians have lied to the people. A Yazidi girl who was sold into slavery by the Islamic State managed to escape and fled to Germany. She was only 15 when her entire family was captured by Isis in northern Iraq […]

Modern Love – Internet – Changing Patterns in Marriage/Divorce

COMMENT: I enjoyed your article on gold and how trends change with the generations. I find it very true that my children looked at me with my silver bars and just asked so what can you really do with it? I have watched the youtube video when people choose the chocolate bar over a bar […]

Market Talk- August 20, 2018

  Japan was the outlier today after the majority produced a positive return. After an initial surge the Nikkei fell back into negative territory where it spent the rest of the day. Exporters, energy, base metals and banks fell victim to todays weakness and probably not helped by the Yen’s strength. In late US trading […]

Erdogan Has His Boys Out Burning only $1 Bills for Propaganda   Erdogan has his boys dressed in suits burning only a handful of US ONE DOLLAR bills as a nice propaganda piece. In truth, the Turkish people have been hoarding Dollars and Euros because they have lost all faith in their own currency. It is nice that Erdogan has a few people burning less than $100 […]

Turkey & the Erdogan Who Puts Himself Before His People

Erdogan refuses to release the American “Pastor Brunson” and instead he is turning to everyone else offering now to open direct investment in Turkey. This is not simply about Brunson. Erdogan has refused to comply with the USA measures against Iran and has stated it will continue to import Iranian oil. Erdogan has NEVER been […]

Market Talk- August 17, 2018

Although we saw some small relief bounces in Asia, there are still many questions left unanswered. The Nikkei managed a 0.35% recovery, which was pretty much where it [played all day. The Yen is still acting as a store for safety and in late US trading we see it edging in the low 110’s, possibly […]

California Real Estate Peaks and Begin a Crash

California has joined the states with not just the highest taxes in America, but it has become one of those states that people are just leaving resulting i9n a net outward-migration. There is a logical consequence when a state becomes a place people are trying to flee from – real estate MUST decline in value. […]

Always Blame Your Enemy – Turkey is Endangering the Entire World Economy

COMMENT: Marty, On Aug 12/18 you wrote about “Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?” and in that blog, you mentioned … They will both turn toward Russia for help and portray their political crisis as a CIA plot. When watching the news the other night, I noticed this is exactly what Turkey is doing; […]