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Another Banned Documentary Hidden from Americans Concerning Russia

The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said that the Magnitsky Act would be reconsidered if his father won. This story is plastered all over the press as in Newsweek and others […]

Market Talk- July 24, 2019

It was business as usual in most Asian markets today, with the Yuan declining followed by a rallying stock market. The Yuan hit it lowest level (6.8255) in over a year today, as market fears the support has been side-lined. The Shanghai index continued its firm run gaining an additional 1.6% today with constant support […]

Market Talk- July 23, 2018

The market is again balancing the idea of whether or not the Yen is a safe-haven currency! Today, we saw a move back into the mid 110’s in an almost flight to quality run following weaker Nikkei, ASX etc. Japan was a bag of nerves today following the sell-off seen in JGB’s as 10yr rates […]

The Hunt for Taxes In Spain

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, Hope you are doing great. Recently you may have heard Cristiano Ronaldo, the best football (what you guys wrongfully call soccer 😉 ) player in the world has left Spain’s Real Madrid and signed for Italian Juventus. There are many reasons behind this which involve broken promises of a better salary and […]

Market Talk- July 20, 2018

Much of todays talk surrounded currencies and the talk of combined intervention! Whether it was or wasn’t is immaterial, but what we did witness was a turnaround in the US Dollar strength against most geographies and at the same time a steepening in core bond markets. These currency bounces helped many markets to recover some […]

New Jersey To Now Tax Water Supply as Well – Creative Greed of Taxes

Politicians are truly amazing. When they need money, they are never short of ideas of things to tax. New Jersey is proposing to now tax water from the tap. The proposal is being submitted by State Senator Bob Smith D-Middlesex. Of course, Smith is trying to say it’s not actually a tax and calling it a “user […]

Largest Iceberg & Crazy Weather

QUESTION: You said while the energy output of the sun declines, at the same time the summers can get hotter. It seems strange but my daughter lives near you in Florida and it is hotter here in New York. Is the weather just getting crazy? ANSWER: This summer we should see sweltering heat build across […]

The Media Completely Ignores Putin’s Request to Interrogate US Officials About Interfering in Russia

  What is interesting about the Trump & Putin press conference is how the Western Media focuses on the claims of Russian interference in the US election and refuse to report any involvement of the New York Banks attempt to take over Russia by blackmailing Yeltsin. Putin says very clearly that Mueller can go to […]

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time to time. I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your […]

Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not commodity based, they rise and fall on anticipation of political events whereas under precious metals contagions took place by one country debasing compared to another? Thank you for your […]