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When Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?

I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted Putin for interfering in the US election. He said, “There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the […]

Market Talk- July 16, 2018

Despite all of the weekends headlines surrounding US Presidents Trump’s meetings with NATO, UK’s PM Theresa May and then on to Helsinki with President Putin markets maintained calm. The USD remains very well supported, core bonds around the globe held their ground and other than a drift in energy prices, overall we survive in a […]

You cannot Change the Mind of those Who Believe in Global Warming because it is their Religion

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; there are just people who refuse to believe that global warming is wrong. When there are cold spells like that here in Australia, they argue there are equally a number of warm spots. They are leading us down the tubes. They will not yield and even consider that they are wrong and […]

Turkey the Poster Child of Emerging Market Crisis

During the 1980s, I was called in to create a hedge for a bank against the Turkish lira which nobody made a market on. I had to create a synthetic hedge for the currency was moving into what became hyperinflation.  The Turkish lira has begun to fall ever since Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became the 12th president of […]

Currency Risk – The Great Unknown That Brings Down Governments

QUESTION: Hi, I am not sure if I understand how it would work but obviously, this is highly hypothetical today. If the reserve currency is SDR, we still need debt denominated in SDR and a very large and deep market accessible by investors to park money there. If individual countries have their own currency and issue […]

Market Talk- July 13, 2018

Friday the 13th may not be that lucky for some, but that did not appear to be the case for todays markets. Asia built on yesterdays gains with core markets stronger across the region. The Nikkei closed up +1.85%, with only a little added by the -0.4% depreciation of the Yen. Shanghai appeared to struggle […]

Market Talk- July 12, 2018

Many in the market were waiting to hear a response from China today, after the escalation by the US in trade tariffs. However, given their noticeable absence has provided a huge relief for markets and so we saw yesterdays decline reversed. An impressive 2.2% bounce proved wide spread and especially creditworthy when we see that […]

Oldest Version of Homer’s Iliad and The Odyssey was Just Discovered

A remarkable discovery has been made and reported by the BBC. A clay tablet recording the story of Odysseus after the fall of Troy by Homer who is the famous Greek poet who was born sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC. He is believed to have possibly been born somewhere on the coast […]

NATO Meeting Fire & Fury Trump Converts NATO to Trade Summit

  Perhaps the most interesting observation of how Trump handles negotiations is that he approaches them as a businessman rather than a politician. He certainly does not play nicely or puts on the pretense that everything is wonderful in the land of politics. Indeed, NATO officials were on edge and nervously welcomed President Trump who arrived […]

Market Talk- July 11, 2018

Just when the markets started to rejoice in the fact that there had been no recent escalation of trade wars and then the silence is broken. Early in the Asian trading day the US released a list of additional tariffs which are assumed to total close to $200bn. This number has wobbled equities and put […]