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New Path to US Citizenship – Military Enlistment

Amid record-low recruitment and a looming war, the US government is now offering legal citizenship to anyone who enlists in the military. Every branch failed to meet their recruitment numbers last year, despite the military lowering the standards to join. The Air Force and Army has confirmed that they do not expect to meet their […]

Has the World Simply Gone Mad?

 The indictment of Trump federally confirms what our computer has been warning about for the 2024 election – there will be none – at least a fair one at that. Never has any former president running for office been targeted and the Department of Justice has been completely weaponized. All for documents that he clearly […]

Climate Change Agenda Threatens Food Supply – Ireland to Kill 200K Cows

The push toward net zero emissions contains a sinister undertone – depleting our food supply. Ireland announced that they will murder 200,000 cows to adhere to Agenda 2030, ultimately reducing cow cattle by 10% in the coming years. Adding to the push for Universal Basic Income, Ireland is telling farmers that they can murder their […]

Real Estate, Blackrock & Dodd-Frank

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a question about Blackrock buying up all these homes. It seems that the Dodd-Frank bill empowered Blackrock to buy up all of these homes and rent them out. Was this all rigged for their benefit? Thank you for being a rare light of truth in these dark times. ED ANSWER: […]

Eugenics in Europe – Women with Disabilities Forcibly Sterilized

The year is 2023 — our top leaders cannot define the term “woman,” so why should they be protected? We know about the ongoing eugenics program in Canada under the expansion of MAID, but no one discusses the forced sterilization of girls and women across the European Union. Yes, the European Union. People are in […]

FBI Conceals Documents Proving Biden’s Bribes

There is concrete evidence that Joe Biden illegally accepted bribes from foreign nationals. The GOP and anyone who values US law and national security had hoped the Durham report, the contents on Hunter Biden’s laptop, or even the “joke” about “10% for the big guy” would have been enough to investigate Biden’s illegal dealings. Cathay […]

Is BlackRock Responsible for the Woke Agenda?

BlackRock and Vanguard own almost everything you see. BlackRock is responsible for creating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) social credit score based on a company’s climate policies. The corporate equality index (CEI) is akin to the younger brother of the ESG score and dictates a company’s woke policies. BlackRock and Vanguard, World Economic Forum […]

Trump Pledges to End Birthright Citizenship

Anyone born in the United States automatically becomes a citizen, as it is their birthright through the law. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution states all “persons born or naturalized in the United States” are “citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” The amendment to the constitution, ratified in 1868, […]

Turkey & the Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I’m not sure if you remember me. I was with the Islamic bank that our board ordered we were to open a branch in Turkey and we turned to you to create a hedge since the Turkish lira was not a tradable market. You saved the bank a fortune and I think […]

The Real Hidden Agenda – It’s Time to take the Red Pill

COMMENT: Martin, I’m gay and I agree with you on this transgender drivel, especially letting male-born athletes compete in women’s sports. It is becoming scary for those of us who are just gay. We are being thrown in the same category as this transgender agenda. I too have been to Thailand. The Ladyboys in Thailand […]