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Trust and the Point of No Return

QUESTION: How will the world reinstill confidence with China after the pandemic? How can people in the West return to trust? Thanks ANSWER: We have entered a new Cold War which will eventually turn hot. The Politicians are using COVID to destroy the economy deliberately to usher in a new age of Authoritarianism. They will point […]

Global Financial Markets – The Crack we have been Waiting For!

The political implications are rather serious with the Democrats in control of everything. Aside from the New Green Deal which they will come to realize will destroy so many jobs as they follow the directions of Bill Gates which will come back to bite them in 2022, they constantly want to punish people for making […]

Market Talk – October 28, 2020

ASIA: Some Chinese banks have phased out the use of the “counter-cyclical” factor in the pricing mechanism of the yuan’s central parity rate against the greenback, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS). Market-making banks have made the move on their own initiative based on their judgment of economic fundamentals and market situations, […]

Politics is Often Stranger than Fiction

  Documents have surfaced that indicate Hunter Biden’s signature on a receipt for $85 at a Delaware computer The Mac Shop where he dropped off laptops that included details of his international business deals and photos. The New York Post reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop was abandoned at the computer shop in April 2019 for […]

Market Talk – October 20, 2020

ASIA: China on Tuesday asked India to approach ties with Taiwan “prudently and properly,” and said it would “firmly oppose” any official exchanges between New Delhi and Taipei. The statement from China’s Foreign Ministry came in response to reports that India and Taiwan were considering going forward with talks on a trade deal. India and […]

Phillips Curve is Dead & the Fed Will Respond

The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. The Fed is actually recognizing that the Phillips Curve is dead. I have been warning that the Quantity Theory of Money is also dead because all the tremendous increases in the money supply […]

China & US War in 3 Months?

The former Labor Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has come out in a piece he wrote in Foreign Affairs – Beware the Guns of August—in Asia. Rudd is claiming that the US and China may go to war in three months ahead of the US elections. This is clearly the left trying to claim that […]

Trend in Interest Rates

COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger. Has everybody been lulled to sleep and looking the wrong way again? Best, E REPLY: The shift from a Public to a Private wave is in full motion. We can […]

Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers from implanting chips into their employees, it did seem a bit strange that a Democrat would actually protect the people against this hidden agenda of Bill Gates […]

Market Talk – May 27, 2020

ASIA: Tensions between China and India over their Himalayan border have escalated, with China accused of moving thousands of troops into disputed territory and expanding a military airbase in the region. An online news agency reported that thousands of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops have moved into sensitive areas along the eastern Ladakh border. […]